Day 2 Section 3

There are ipads and tripods available

Community Building

Problem synopsis

Fast Forward a couple of years

On Earth after WW2 in 1945, the United Nations was created. On the 1st of January 2016 the UN Social Development Goals were agreed. This was 71 years after the UN was formed. More can be read about the UNSDG’s here.

After many years of nations working alone on the planet for their own betterment, this was a historic moment. It could be argued that this was the first time that people had agreed together that we shared a planet, and we should try and agree some broad rules for looking after it.

To be recognised as a country a state must be a member of the UN, but like everything else in life, there are exceptions. More can be read about it here.

It looks like your new colony is going to be a success! Let’s jump ahead and recognise it as a state. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could skip the getting it wrong part and just get to the part where we establish the rules for living well together.

And then

(Fast Forward a couple of years)

You had no idea when you signed up for this exploratory mission that this was going to be a one-way trip. More people from Earth have arrived and a community is building. How exciting!

A society or a community is based on communication. I wonder if there is a link between the words community and communication. Using media technology, you are going to create a broadcast covering everything that has been covered so far in your new world, for the benefit of the new arrivals. Think of it like a documentary detailing everything in your planet’s life so far

Use pre-production documents to help you produce your broadcast. 

Go through the process of pre-production documents. You don’t have to do them all, but they do all “add value”. Perhaps

-          Spider diagram: What do you want to include, produce a “bubble” for all the sections that you have covered so far. What media do you have stored from all the other exercises that you could include?

-          Mood board: Perhaps not so important here, but you want to have a certain feel, a certain “vibe” to your production.

-          Storyboard: You must organise what you want to say. What happens from scene to scene?

-          Script: Works with the storyboard. Who says what?

STEAM process

In your journals follow and record your progress through the problem-solving process.

Analysis - What do you understand the problem to be? What are your success criteria? What are you working towards? What type of ground are you considering? 

Design - Sketch out some ideas on how you could build your transport. The transport base is pretty standard but the chassis is completely user definable. What is it going to be? Take stock of the materials you have available to you. Make the net as cool as you want to!

Build - Make it! Test it! Record the outcomes, what happened? Did your building stay upright? Did your equipment get damaged? Do you think it would be waterproof? Record the tests so that they can be reviewed. 

Evaluation - Link back to your success criteria - did you succeed? If so, yea! If not, what else could you have done?