Day 1 Section 1

Available Materials

Included in your model

Landing the equipment for exploring 

Problem synopsis

The ground is too rugged to land safely on and you need to get your kit delivered to you. You have a model of the kit that needs to be dropped from a height. You have a collection of materials that you can build a delivery mechanism from. These are listed on the side

In your journals follow and record your progress through the problem-solving process.

Done this before? Great. Bring your skills. I look forward to seeing them in action. 

STEAM process

Analysis - What do you understand the problem to be? What are your success criteria? What are you working towards? I would assume it's getting the equipment down safely without it breaking/scattering across miles of distance. 

Design - Sketch out some ideas. Agree on a team what you are going to build.

Build - Make it! Test it! Record the outcomes, what happened? Did your equipment scatter? Did your equipment break? Or did it drift to the surface, cool as a cucumber? Record the tests so that they can be reviewed. 

Evaluation - Link back to your success criteria - did you succeed? If so, yeah! If not, what else could you have done?