Finding appropriate images

Downloading Suitable images.

I am going to assume that you know how to search for an image, but did you know that there is an advanced search feature.

There are 2 considerations we need when discussing image, the physical size and the resolution. Now is not the time to go into detail, but we can increase our chances of getting detailed images by using advanced search.

Step 1 - Finding out where advanced search is.

Step 2 - Looking for large images

Step 3 - You will have to follow the link to take you to the large image.

Step 4 - Test it

Annoying once you have downloaded it but the file format has changed

If you want to work in photoshop, the most common file type you will encounter is a jpg. You search for the image and its a jpg, and when you download it, the network turns  it into a .jfif file. Why? I dont know, but its easy to fix.

Step 1 - Locate the saved file in file explorer

As per the step 1 image, I have found my copy of the image I saved - its been turned into a JFIF file

Step 2 - Right Click on the image and select edit, it should open it up in Paint.

Step 3 - Go to file > Save as > and select jpg

and it should be there :)