Digital Society Course pages

You have found the site of the BISHCMC Digital Society course. Here is the starting point for all the research that our students complete. Each topic will be investigated with a news story as a starting point and then depending on whether the topic is Standard Level or Higher Level a process is followed that is explained further below. 

There are a lot of news stories that are covered as part of DS. They are listed in the pages below. 

This one though stood out as the perfect answer to the question "Why Study DS?" It will be DS students once they enter the world of work who will be writing the guidelines for the safe use of AI. 

Half of families cannot access the Digital Society

Instagram is not removing teen self harm content 

This was sent to me by a student, and whilst sensationalized (which he criticizes in the video) makes some very good points. 

The topic headings that will be investigated are:

1.1A Digital Society has multiple names.

1.1B Digital Society is characterised by uneven access to digital systems

1.1C Milestones in the development of digital society

1.1D Digital systems use binary digits to represent data and information

1.1E The digital is different from the analogue

1.1F Digitization changes data and information from analogue to digital

1.1G Digitalization is the use of digital systems to change the structure and/or operation of an organization

3.1A Data as distinct from information, knowledge and wisdom

3.1B Types of data

3.1C Uses of data

3.1D Data life cycle

3.1E Ways to collect and organize data

3.1F Ways of representing data

3.1G Data Security

3.1H Characteristics and uses of big data and data analytics

3.1I Data dilemmas

3.2A Characteristics of an algorithm

3.2B Components of an algorithm

3.2C Ways of representing algorithms

3.2D Uses of algorithms

3.2E Algorithmic dilemmas

3.3A Types of computers

3.3B Components of a computer

3.3C Uses and forms of computer coding

3.3D Evolution of computing

3.4A Types of computing networks

3.4B Components of computing networks

3.4C Characteristics of computing networks

3.4D Computing network providers and services

3.4E The world wide web

3.4F Evolution of the internet and the web

3.4G Internet dilemmas

3.5A Types of digital media

3.5B Characteristics of digital media

3.5C Immersive digital media

3.5D Digital media dilemmas

3.6A Types of AI

3.6B Types and uses of machine learning

3.6C Uses of artificial neural networks

3.6D Evolution of AI

3.6E AI dilemmas

3.7A Types of robots and autonomous


3.7B  Types of robots and autonomous


3.7C Evolution of robots and autonomous


3.7D Robots and autonomous technology


   5.1 Global Well Being

5.2 Governance and Human Rights

5.3 Sustainable Development