Day 2 additional workshops

Included in your kit bag

Additional workshops

Problem synopsis

These challenges are outside the remit of "otherworldy".

There are challenges that at first glance appear huge, taking on a wide range of skills. But we have to break them down into smaller chunks, (remember that word decomposition) and then get rid of irrelevant information (abstraction).


This is the current game called "Over/under". There are lots of rules for the full game, but we can play a cut-down version of this. Further details can be found in the BISHCMC robot room. 

F1 in schools.

Each School is allocated one car (I am sorry, it was supposed to be one per team, but the machine broke :( ) The reason why F1 is such a success is that they know how to market products. When you break F1 down, its driving cars really quickly in a circle. 

You need to come up with a team identity, name, logo, colours, and anything else you can think of. Use the display boards to promote your team. 
Then it's time for the best part! Let's decorate them and the very best part? Race them!

STEAM process

Remember the process you have been working on, when faced with unfamiliar scenarios, think about:

Analysis - What do you understand the problem to be? What are your success criteria? What are you working towards? List out your success criteria.

Design - Come up with the design ideas you think will solve the problem

Build - Choose one design idea, and build it.

Evaluation - Look back to your success criteria - did you succeed? If so, yeah! If not, what else could you have done? Remember its an iterative process.