Staff Briefing Page

Updates 21st March

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

To make life easier for the Friday night, we will be in 3 rooms . The precise location will be given tomorrow, but the group splits will be.

This page will remain outside of the navigation structure, and will be removed Sunday night.

Updates 18th Feb - Hopefully the structure is fleshed out - any feedback or if anyone can see any glaring concerns, please let me know - my pride is less important than the success of the day. 

Welcome to 'Otherworldly STEAM Festival 2024'

Organising Staff Briefing

Hi all, to avoid a slew of emails that will get lost, or missed please bookmark this page we will update details on an ongoing basis.

Points of contact:

Colin Astbury:

Sue Mulholland: sue.mulholland@bí

Cost to BIS HCMC: 180 USD 

You will have the further cost of Hotels and Flights and source these yourself.  For hotels - we have some recommendations below.

Hotel Briefing

Please see below the screenshot for the hotels. BISHCMC will be responsible for getting you to and from your hotel.

Emergency communication.

Sue Mulholland has set up a WhatsApp Group where immediate information will be replayed, (including a link to this page). The link to join is here -

Original Details

Please find below the original invite. 

BIS HCMC_NAE STEAM_Otherworldy_A3 Portrait.pdf

Suggested Itinerary

The itinerary by its nature will be flexible, as we deal with the vagaries of weather, working with children and lots of other undoubted variables. However, there should be some fixed points in the weekend and they are detailed below. 

The activities will be based around approaching a planet and will be a mix of high-tech, low tech and community-based. All activities are designed to be problems that can be solved with a structured problem-solving approach. More details on this can be found here.  

If you see something that you think can be improved, please say so. We want this to be a group exercise where we can share best practices and build the foundation of something exciting here in NAESEA. That goal will only succeed if we are all on board. 

With regards to the timings below, they might be up for tweaking as the days begin to take shape, but I hope at this stage this will give you all an idea of what is to happen.


15:00: School Finished

15:45 - 16:00 Welcome and opening statement

16:00 - 18:00: Cultural Experience led by Vietnamese staff in a welcome to Vietnam

18:00 plus: Additional workshops and handing out goody bags

20:00: Depart for hotels


9:00 - 9:30: Welcome 

9:30 - 12:30 (3 hours) Introduction, Workshops 1 & 2

12:30 - 13:15 Lunch

13:15 - 16:15:  (3 hours) Workshops 3 & 4)

16:15 - 16:45: Tea break

16:45 - 18:45: Additional workshops, VEX and F1 in schools

18:45 - 19:00 Pizza delivery

19:00 - 21:00 Pizza and film

21:00 - Wrap up the day


9:00 - 9:30: Welcome 

9:30 - 12:30: Themed Workshops

12:30 - 13:30: Lunch and final celebration

14:00 Close the event.