WELCOME - September 2016

Post date: Sep 10, 2016 11:28:40 PM

September 1, 2016

Dear Parents,

I so enjoyed meeting you and your delightful children this week. Thank you for taking the time to come in, and thank you for entrusting your precious treasures with me for the year. We have a fantastic group, and it’s going to be an exciting and fun-filled adventure.

A few reminders:

· If you didn’t bring in your child’s self portrait and the parent questionnaire when we met, please send that to school with your child.

· If you have or could take a close up headshot of your child and email it to me, I would really appreciate it. (kwray@riverdale.k12.or.us)

· Your child needs to bring two snacks to school each day – preferably snacks that are on the healthier side.

· I keep a reserve of snacks in case a child forgets a snack or is still hungry after eating the snack they brought. If you would like to donate to our reserve, contributions are appreciated. In the past, favorites have been graham crackers, fruit leather, goldfish, Ritz crackers and granola or protein bars.

· Please send in a complete change of clothes in a Ziploc baggie.

· Please send in a blanket or beach towel for story time.

· If your pick up plans change please send a note to school with your child. If plans change once your child is already at school please call the office and they will get a message to me.

Our “Specials” schedule is as follows:

Monday: Library

Tuesday: P.E.

Wednesday: Library

Thursday: Art

Friday: Music

At Library on Mondays your child will have the opportunity to check out up to three books. They may have three books out at a time, so if they bring back all three books the following week they can check out three new books. If they choose to keep one of the books longer and return two of the three they can check out two new books.

On PE day please be sure your child is dressed appropriately and has good PE shoes.

On Art day please make sure your child is wearing clothes that can get messy in case there is an accidental spill.

SHOW AND TELL: On Mondays and Fridays we will have Show and Tell. It is completely optional.

FRIDAY FOLDERS: Each Friday I will send home your child’s Friday Folder with their work from the week, homework, “catch up” work, and important notices. Please be sure to empty the Friday Folder and help your child remember to return it to school on Monday. We start teaching responsibility right from the get-go, so your help with this would be greatly appreciated!

I think that’s all for now. I don’t want to inundate you with too much information. Please remember that I love to keep lines of communication open, so if you have questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Enjoy the rest of the week and have a fantastic weekend.


Kate Wray