Good-Bye September... Hello October!

Post date: Oct 11, 2013 3:01:47 PM

It's hard to believe that it's already October and we've finished our fourth week of school. Time is flying. Now that it's October we are saying good-bye to our apple unit and are moving on to, you guessed it... PUMPKINS! We will continue learning about cycles in science but we will focus on the cycle of the pumpkin. Hopefully you got the information about the October Family Project that came home in your child's Friday Folder as well as the Pumpkin Patch Field Trip notice and permission slip.

In Language Arts we focused on the letter "H" this week, so the letters studied thus far are A, E, and H. We added two new heart words:

have am

The kids are beginning to write more of the morning message themselves and that is exciting to see! We began Writer's Workshop and are learning how to tell a story with pictures even if we don't have the written words to go with it yet.

In math we are continued with our geometry unit and sorted shapes by different attributes. We sorted bugs by a variety of attributes as well - i.e. number of legs, color, wings/no wings, spots/no spots, etc. We had free exploration with geo boards and the kids loved making the various geometric shapes that they are learning about.

The class is developing a strong sense of community and they are doing a wonderful job learning how to work and play collaboratively and how to problem solve issues that arise. We welcomed a new student, Mo Rees, into our class, and his transition was seamless as the kids graciously swallowed him up and made him feel a part of the group from the get-go.

Enjoy the weekend!

Mrs. Wray