April 21, 2014

Post date: Apr 26, 2014 7:42:58 PM

Dear Parents,

Mark your calendars...MUFFINS FOR MOMS on Friday, May 9th at 11:00! Moms are invited to our classroom for a little Mother's Day celebration on May 9th at 11:00.

We are getting really excited about our trip to Lake Oswego on May 1st to wrap up our unit on Community Helpers. We will visit the fire station, the post office and hopefully the library. We will ride a Trimet bus there and then take a school bus home. It should be lots of fun. We'll keep our fingers crossed for a sunny day! Or at least a dry day.

In Math we are continuing to work on units of measurement and money. Any opportunity to have your child count pennies and nickles would be great. We also continue to work on recognizing numbers beyond 10 and to count up from any given number rather than starting at one. Counting with nickles and pennies provides a wonderful opportunity for this. 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18...

And boy are we ever reading up a storm! You will see that many "Heart Word Books" have come home for your child's treasure box that we made at the beginning of the year. I'm sure your children are eager to read you their books and the more practice the better. New hearts that we have learned include:

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We also worked on the letter "O" this week.

We got to spend time with our Big Buddies doing a craft project and then looking at books. This is always such a special time for the kids. They really enjoy it!

Also, FYI... Ms. Bader (the PE teacher) had a baby boy and is out on maternity leave for the remainder of the year. Mr. Hadid will be the PE substitute from here on out.

As a reminder, if you arrive at school after the 8:30 bell has rung, please remember to say your good-byes outside of the classroom. Once the bell rings and school has begun, we are eager to start our day. We have such precious little time together and so much learning to do.

Thank you so much for the incredible support you have all provided this year. It's hard to believe that the end of the school year is rapidly approaching. I truly appreciated the wonderful flowers, fruits, cards and gifts this past week.

Enjoy the weekend!

Kate Wray