HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY and Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Post date: Feb 16, 2016 3:24:40 AM

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY and Gung Hay Fat Choy! Wow! What a week! It was "bookended" with two very exciting events. We started our week with our annual dragon parade in celebration of the Lunar (Chinese) New Year. Everyone donned their colorful dragon masks and off we went, singing down the halls and through many of the classrooms. When we finished our parade route, we ended our day with treats of mandarin oranges, almond cookies and fortune cookies. (A very heartfelt, "Thank you!" to the parents who donated these items!) It was the perfect way to end our unit of study for this wonderful holiday! On Friday, we celebrated Valentine's Day with a party for the last hour of the day. Fun was be had by all! We had wonderful treats of fresh fruit and graham cracker goldfish, played Bingo and opened all of the wonderful cards we made for each other! Another huge thank you to the parents who worked so hard to make it a great party!

We also made beautiful Valentine's Day cards for our big high school buddies and received one in return. We are getting really excited about meeting them in person and going on our Zoo Field Trip with them on Friday, February 26th. Hopefully you received all of the information about the field trip in your Friday Folder.

In Language Arts we added several new heart words this week, including do and from. We learned the letter "Y" and we compared and contrasted several versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears looking at the characters, the settings and the beginning, middle and end. We have been reading up a storm in the IRLA Independent Readers and are writing some fantastic stories in Writer's Workshop. We are beginning to use more words to go along with our fantastic illustrations.

The Conference sign-up calendar that Ms. T sent out is for conferences with the two of us. I just wanted to make sure that was clear.

I hope you have enjoyed the long weekend!
