February 17, 2014

Post date: Feb 22, 2014 8:41:46 PM

Dear Parents,

It seems that our little friends are growing and so are their appetites. Many of them are finishing their entire lunch during snack time and then they are needing more food at lunch. As a result, I have gone through all of the "Emergency Snacks" that you sent in at the beginning of the year. If you would like to contribute to our food bank that would be greatly appreciated. Also, please check in with your child to see if they are needing to bring a bigger lunch or perhaps a bigger snack. And while I'm asking for donations, we could use some more lysol wipes. 'Tis the cold and flu season and there is a lot going around. In my constant effort to keep our kiddos healthy I am doing a lot of table washing. And of course there's also a bit of paint, glue, glitter, etc. that needs to get wiped up.

We are continuing with our transportation unit and the kids are having fun exploring transportation concepts though song, dance, books, and construction projects.

In math we introduced a new tool - the favorite sea creatures. We have been sorting by many different attributes and have also been creating story problems with addition and subtraction.

In Language Arts we learned the letter V this week and we practiced the "H brothers" - th, sh, wh, and ch. Our new hearts words for the week were

his said

Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Kate Wray