Week of October 24, 2014

Post date: Oct 24, 2014 6:27:37 PM

Halloween News... Since your kiddos only come to school half day, they are more than welcome to wear their Halloween costumes to school in the morning. The All-School parade will take place in the afternoon on Halloween but we will have our class party in the morning. You are welcome to bring your child back to school for the parade and march with the full day kindergarten class but you will be responsible for their supervision. The parade will begin at 2:15. I have attached the parade route and instructions. The only change to the instructions is that the start time for the parade is actually 2:15 - NOT 2:30 as indicated and your kids will come already dressed in costume.

This has been such an exciting week. Our trip to the Pumpkin Patch was a huge success despite the rain. The kids had a fabulous time and I think they may have even learned a thing or two about different pumpkin varieties and how to make Apple Cider. They didn't seem to mind the wet and muddy conditions one bit. They were real troopers. We saw lots of farm animals - dogs, horses, goats, llamas, and a huge pig.

We have continued our science study of the pumpkin life cycle and are having fun watering our apples seeds and watching them sprout. Kids from the 8th grade science class visited our class to tell them about Mole Day. We had a great Art Literacy lesson on David Hockney. And we still managed to learn the letter R and add two new heart words: will and go

A couple of reminders... Please be sure to check your child's backpack for their Friday folder. Empty the contents and have your child bring the folder back to school on Monday. I am trying to help them learn how to get into a routine and be responsible for returning something to school.

Also, we like the kids to get some fresh air - rain or shine. And now that it is rain more often than shine, please be sure your child comes to school with a raincoat on those wet days. If it's really coming down we will not go outside, or if we do we will stay under the covered area. But if it's just a drizzle I let them run around on the playground. We do stay off the field and out of the mud!

I hope you are staying dry! Have a great weekend.
