Option A: Make your dream house on a budget

Congratulations! A relative you never knew left you a 80 ft X 80 ft piece of property in Albany. Now you want to build a house on it. You have $150,000 to build and furnish your own house. Each square foot of area costs $100.

Using a spreadsheet, you can enter the lengths and widths of rooms, and amount of furniture into the yellow boxes to calculate costs. You can save the spreadsheet to your Google Drive account by opening it as a Google Spreadsheet.

House Budget Spreadsheet 

Option B: Make a scale model of a Memorial classroom

With the teacher's permission, create a 3-D model of a Memorial classroom complete with furniture, windows, and doors of the correct size and in the right places.  

Measurements will need to be gathered using measuring tape, a meter stick, and/or counting and measuring floor tiles. Use this worksheet to help organize all the data you need.

Modeling Your Classroom (Intermediate 21:09) - youtube.com 

 Specifications and Work Flow

Step 1: Create a floor plan.

 Option A: Dream House on a Budget

 Option B: Memorial Classroom

B-3 Floor Plan

Step 2: Furnish your floor plan.

 Option A: Dream House on a Budget

 Show Mr. Bright your Spreadsheet and floorplan with furniture.

 Option B: Memorial Classroom

Show Mr. Bright your measurement worksheet and floorplan with furniture.

B-3 Floor Plan w/ Furniture

Floor Plan Checkoff

Step 3: Make the inside 3-D

B-3 in 3-D

3-D House Checkoff

Step 4: Make the outside.

Option A: Dream House on a Budget

Make the Roof

Make the Landscape

 Option B: Memorial Classroom

Make a Classroom Map

Final Checkoff

Before having your work checked, make sure you have the following:

 Dream House on a Budget

Once checked, e-mail two 2-D images of your favorite views to Mr. Bright. The whole SketchUp file will be emailed in the next assignment.

Memorial Classroom 

Once checked, e-mail a 2-D black and white of the classroom map and another 2-D color image of your favorite view. The whole SketchUp file will be emailed in the next assignment.

Section Planes

Making complex stuff on slow computers

Objects and components with similar functions should be put in named Tags in SketchUp. The visibility of Tags can be easily turned off and on. There are many advantages to using Tags besides keeping organized:

With SketchUp, the computer only needs to draw what it is showing on the screen. If much of the detail of a model is in Tags that are turned off or hidden, the computer will take less time and memory to redraw the screen. Using Tags, even large complex models are possible on small, slow, memory limited netbook or Chromebook type of computers.

Week 17 - Tour for Sophie


Sophie is a teacher in the market for a house. She is willing to pay over twice what you spent for your house, but she has to see it first. She also needs to choose a classroom to be in at Memorial. Your task is to show off your house or classroom by creating an animated tour in SketchUp. 

Tour specifications:


After your work has been checked, you will need to export a video of your Tour for Sophie. Keep in mind that the computer may take 20 minutes or more to create the video depending on the number of scenes and settings you have chosen. 

Upload two files into Google Drive and share them with Mr. Bright:

Required Instructions

SketchUp Animation Tutorial (Video 4:18) - Skills: Scene Tool, arranging scenes