History of Astronomy

Post date: Oct 17, 2018 11:07:13 PM

Big Question: How did astronomers find that the sun is at the center of the solar system?


11/5 - Quiz: History of Astronomy, Gravity, and Orbits (Review)

11/2 - Gravity and Orbits WS using

Gravity and Orbits - phet.colorado.edu

10/31 - Portfolio 9/25 to 10/24 - Can be signed and turned-in during Conferences.

10/31 - My Solar System Worksheet using

My Solar System - phet.colorado.edu

10/23 - Finding Stars and Constellations using Uncle Al's Sky Wheels - Lawrencehallofscience.org

Check your answers with Planetarium - neave.com

Note Questions - History of Astronomy


    • Compare different models of the solar system.

    • Apply Kepler's laws to our solar system.

    • Explain the two main variables that determine the force of gravity between stars and planets.

    • Describe how the Solar System formed.

    • Explain the conditions that would cause one object to orbit another.


11/2 - Look over the History of Astronomy Review. Then look over your notebook and assignments. Write down at least 2 questions you have?

11/1 - What is a space probe? What are examples of space probes that were used before the moon landing in 1969? (ES pgs. 489 to 491)

10/31 - Draw the 6 cannon ball orbits on the screen. Which paths are suborbital? Which paths are orbital?

10/30 - What is a force? What metric (SI) unit is used when measuring force? (ES pgs. 123-126)

10/29 - What are the two main types of optical telescope? How does each work? Which one did Mr. Bright bring to class?

10/23 - Make a Venn diagram comparing revolution and rotation. (Old ES pg. 515)

10/17 - Answer the following: (Old ES 482-483)

      • What is a calendar?

      • What defines a year?

      • What defines a month?

      • What defines a day?

      • Why is a Leap Year required every 4 years?

10/16 - Name 6 important astronomers in history? Summarize what each one did or discovered. (Old ES pgs. 486-488)


  • Geocentric (IS pg. 467)

  • Heliocentric (IS pg. 468-469)

  • Ellipse (IS pg. 509)

  • Satellite (Old ES 549)

  • Orbital Velocity (Old ES 601)

  • NASA

  • Sputnik (Old ES 602)

  • Thrust (Old ES pg. 600)

  • Escape Velocity (Old ES pg. 601)

  • Newton’s Third Law of Motion

  • Rocket

  • Inertia (physicsclassroom.com)

  • Constellation

  • Horizon

  • Zenith

  • Ecliptic

  • Parallax (Old ES pg. 575)

  • Retrograde Motion

  • Revolution

  • Rotation

  • Solar system

  • Telescope

  • Period of Revolution

  • Law of Universal Gravitation


Uncle Al's Sky Wheels - Lawrencehallofscience.org - Paper star finder we assemble in class.

How to use a star finder - youtube.com

Planetarium - neave.com - App that works like a star finder.

Astronomy Simulations and Animations - astro.unl.edu - Simulations and Animations from Astronomy Education at the Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). Not working in Google Chrome. Will work in Firefox.

Kepler’s First Law of Motion - Elliptical Orbits (Astronomy) - youtube.com

Kepler’s Second Law of Motion (Astronomy) - youtube.com

Understanding Kepler's 3 Laws and Orbits - youtube.com

Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion - youtube.com

My Solar System - phet.colorado.edu - Configurable simulation showing gravitational relationships and motion among multiple objects.

Gravity and Orbits - phet.colorado.edu - Simulation demonstrating how mass and distance between objects effects the force of gravity.

Gravity Force Lab - phet.colorado.edu

Gravity Pitch Gizmo - explorelearning.com

Solar System Explorer Gizmo - explorelearning.com