Welcome Back! 9/7 to 9/22

Post date: Sep 1, 2016 9:41:12 PM



9/7 - Describe something you did this summer that relates to science or engineering.

9/8 - Make a list of at least 5 different kinds of scientists that would study Earth and Space. (Old ES 6-25)

9/9 - If you were a scientist or engineer, what kind would you be? What specific questions or problems would you be looking at?

9/12 Find 9 safety problems in the on-screen picture.

9/13 Give an example of each of the following: (old ES 18-21)

  1. Engineering

  2. Summary

  3. Sphere

  4. Model (Old ES pg. 18)

  5. parallels (Old ES pgs. 37-38)

  6. meridians

  7. coordinates

  8. Distortion

  9. Projection


  • Physical Model

  • Mathematical Model

  • Conceptual Model


9/14 - Summarize what goes into your in-class folders? Where are they kept in the classroom?

9/15 - Look at the abbreviation list and pick out 10 abbreviations you could use when taking notes.

9/16 - What are three different types of map projections? How is each made? (Old ES pgs. 40-42)

9/21 - List all the units in the metric system you know for: length, volume, mass and temperature. (Old ES pgs. 22-25)


    • Area of Science 9/9

    • Earth Science Puzzle - 9/14

    • Room Map - 9/14

    • Where on Earth? - 9/19

    • A Google Earth Scavenger Hunt - 9/21

    • Signed Portfolio 9/9 to 9/21 - due 9/23


  • Advanced Science Expectations Signed - 9/12

  • Write a one page summary of the ideas you brainstormed on 9/9. Research present technology related to it and the feasibility of your idea. - 9/16

  • Exploravision team will write at least 1 page or more (12 pt. Times New Roman Font, double-spaced) on the shared document about their ideas for Exploravision. Follow the Future Tech guidelines. - 9/28

  • Understand class expectations by completing the blanks in the syllabus.

  • Identify different types of Earth scientists by matching their title with what they do.

  • Identify the location of safety equipment in the room on a map.

  • Give an example for each of the three types of scientific models.

  • Locate places on a map using coordinate systems.

  • Use computer-based maps to find geographic information.