Earth's History 3/28 to 4/25

Post date: Mar 29, 2016 5:03:57 PM



3/28 If you were a tree and grew a tree ring during Spring Break, would it be thick or thin?

3/29 Make a Venn diagram comparing Uniformitarianism with Catastrophism. (DE pgs. 120 to 121)

3/30 Make a list of the different kinds of fossils and give an example of each. (DE pgs. 81-83)

3/31 Use the principle of superposition to list the youngest 3 strata of Minor Canyon from youngest to oldest. Animation of Minor Canyon Formation –

4/4 Make a Venn diagram comparing an Intrusion with a Fault. (DE pgs. 94-96)

4/5 List the strata from minor canyon from youngest to oldest. (Hint: Start from the bottom and use the principles of superposition and crosscutting to determine what is younger) Animation of Minor Canyon Formation –


Relative Dating (DE pgs. 94-101)

Absolute Dating (DE pg. 108)

Fossil (DE pgs. 81 to 87)






Geologic Column

Trace Fossil

Fossil record

radiometric dating (DE pgs. 109)

Isotope (DE pg 108)

Radioactive Decay


geologic time scale (DE pgs. 122-123)

Precambrian Time (DE pg. 124-127)

Paleozoic Era

Extinction (ScienceWorld or Dictionary)

Mesozoic Era

Cenozoic Era

4/6 List the events and strata in order from youngest to oldest. Write "tilting", "folding" and "erosion" when those events take place. Earth Science Lab: Relative Dating -

4/11 1) What was the importance of finding Tik-Tal-Lik?

2) How were relative dating principles used?

3) How were absolute dating principles used?

4/13 What kinds of rock are we to find in the 3 and 4 billion Continental Shield rock? (DE pgs. 124-127, Old ES pg. 152)

4/14 A fossil of a mosquito in amber has 0.5 (one-half or 50%) of the original carbon-14 material in it. If the half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years, how old is the mosquito?

4/18 Besides worldwide catastrophes, what can cause species to go extinct?

4/20 What are the two big continents formed after Pangaea started to break? What modern continents make up these? (DE pg. 202-203)

Assignments Due

My Years in Tree Rings - 4/4

Is it a fossil? - 3/30

DE U2L1 - Geologic Change - 3/31

DE U2L2 - Relative Dating - 4/5

Telling Relative Time - 4/4

Short Quiz: relative dating - 4/6

DE U2L4 - Geologic Time Scale - 4/21

Geologic Timeline Review - 4/8

Radioactive Dating Game - 4/11

Group Activity: Geologic Time - 4/25

Notes: How the Earth was Made (video 1:30)

Portfolio 3/2 to 4/21 - due 4/26


  • Explain how Earth materials, such as rock, fossils, and ice, show that Earth has changed over time.

  • Summarize how scientists measure the relative ages of rock layers.

  • Identify gaps in the rock record.

    • Describe how geologists use a geologic time scale to divide Earth's history.

Sources of Natural History Pictures and Information

DE U2L4 - Geologic Time Scale - pgs. 118-129

Geologic Timetable/Geologic History handout

Encyclopedia of the Animal World

Old Earth Science Book (red) - pgs. 151-155

Old Life Science Book (green)

  • Evolution of Living Things - pgs. 148-173

  • History of Life - pgs. 174-199

  • Flora (plants) - pgs. 220-317

  • Fauna (animals) - pgs. 318-429


Relative Dating

RECORD OF TIME - A tutorial from the Anthropology Department at Palomar College on fossils and dating methods with audio for pronouncing difficult words.

Relative Rock Layers - - Relative dating interactive.

Rocks and Ice Ages - - Animation showing how ice ages produce erosion and unconformities.

Earth Science Lab: Relative Dating - - Test your knowledge by arranging the strata.

Animation of Minor Canyon Formation –

Absolute Dating

About Tree Rings - - Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona.

Build a Tree - - Interactive dendrochronology activity.

The Science of Tree Rings - - Excellent website on all things about tree rings.

Radioactive Dating Game - - Learn about radiometric dating with this simulation.

Absolute Dating of Rock Layers - - Interactive for selecting the correct absolute dating method.

Radioactive Decay of Carbon-14 -

Radiocarbon Dating

Zircon Chronology: Dating the Oldest Material on Earth -

Natural History

Oregon: A Geologic History -

Phylogeny of Life - - The Tree of Life including fossil record and history.

A Chart of Geological Time (from a trilobite's point of view) -

The Origin of Tetrapods (2012) 17:11 -

Great Transitions: The Origin of Birds (2015) 18:59 -

The Day the Mesozoic Died 33:43 -

Dinosaur Plague (2009) 15:05, NOVA - - Alternative or additional theory of how the dinosaurs went extinct from local scientists.

NOVA: Mammoth Mystery (2008) 11:38 -

LIfe - An Autobiography (Biodiversity Rap) 6:34 - - Rap covering natural history. Amazing!

(Woolly Mamoth vs. Mastodon VV)