April 1 to 15 - Earthquakes and Interior of the Earth

Post date: Mar 31, 2014 8:37:52 PM


  • 3/31 - Put your name in your new Dynamic Earth book in three places. Look through unit 4 and write down major topics covered.

  • 4/1 - What patterns do you see when earthquakes are plotted over a long period of time?

  • 4/2 - What happen in Iquique, Chile yesterday? Magnitude? Depth? Type of fault? What caused it? What were the effects of elastic rebound? Could it have been predicted?

  • 4/3 - Make a table showing how the three kinds of stress, Tectonic Plate Boundaries and Faults are related.

  • 4/7 - Make a Venn diagram comparing the Focus, Fault, and Epicenter. Why is it unlikely that an earthquake's epicenter would fall on a fault line?

  • 4/8 - How can GPS be used to help predict earthquakes at convergent boundaries?

  • 4/10 - What kind of materials can P and S waves go through? How could this tell us about the inside of the Earth?

  • 4/11 - What can you do to prepare for an earthquake? What would you do if an Earthquake happened while you were in class?



    1. Stress DE U4 L5

    2. Deformation

    3. Tectonic Plate Boundary

    4. Seismic Waves DE U4 L6

    5. Seismometer

    6. Magnitude

    7. Body Waves

    8. Surface Waves

    9. triangulation

    10. Intensity

    11. Crust DE U4 L1

    12. Mantle

    13. Core

    14. Lithosphere

    15. Asthenosphere

    16. Mesosphere

Other Words & Concepts

  • Earthquake, Focus, Epicenter, Fault, Tension, Compression, Shearing, Elastic Rebound; Divergent, Convergent and Transform Boundaries

  • Seismogram, Intensity, P-Waves, S-Waves, Richter Scale, Liquefaction

  • Convection


    • Fettucine Earthquake 3/31

    • DE U4L5 - Earthquakes 4/3

    • Plate Boundaries 4/7

    • DE U4L6 - Measuring EQ Waves 4/9

    • Earthquake Search 4/10

    • DE U4L1 - Earth's Layers 4/14

    • Earthquake! 4/14

    • Scale Model of Earth's Interior 4/16

    • Signed Portfolio - March 6 to April 16 4/16

    • Quiz: Earthquakes and Earth's Interior 4/16


    • DE 248-251 4/7

    • Making a Seismometer wksht 4/8


  • Identify three types of stress and associate them with three types of fault and tectonic plate boundary.

  • Geographically identify examples of stress, faults and tectonic plate boundaries.

    • Identify the properties of body waves and surface waves that relate to the magnitude and intensity of earthquakes.

    • Apply the properties of body waves to triangulate earthquake epicenters and map the interior of the earth.

    • Explain how we know what is inside the earth.

    • Identify ways to protect yourself and make damage less severe during earthquakes.

    • Describe the layers of the earth by chemical composition and physical properties.