April 22, 2013 - In computer lab A-7

Post date: Apr 22, 2013 3:41:08 PM

Keywords: none

Warm-up: none


1. Show DE Unit 4 Lessons 1 & 2 to Mr. Bright.

2. Show Plate Boundaries ABC to Mr. Bright.

3. Check plate boundaries by downloading services.google.com/earth/kmz/realtime_earthquakes_n.kmz for using in Google Earth.

  • Arrows show plate movement direction and speed in mm per year

  • Red -> Divergent Boundary Green -> Transform Boundary Blue -> Convergent Boundary

4. Complete Plate Boundaries DE

  • Part D has you create a top-view and side-view picture of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere, similar to picture ->.

  • Label all the important areas.

  • Use the Plate_tectonicsProtected.pdf Powerpoint and DE Unit 4 Lessons 2 & 3 as sources for your picture

Objectives: plate boundaries, Subduction Zones, Island Arcs, Mountain Building


Plate Boundaries ABC 4/22

Plate Boundaries D 4/23

Plate Boundaries EF 4/24

DE Unit 4 Lesson 3 4/24