Task: Hello World Box

After completing the Week 0 task, create a "Hello World" box in SketchUp that meets the following specifications:

      1. Must be created in a new SketchUp file with a filename that starts with your username followed by 'HelloWorld'. For Example, Mr. Bright's filename would be cbright92_HelloWorld.

      2. The box must be 3-Dimensional.

      3. "Hello, World" must be printed on one face and your name on another face of the box using the 3D Text tool.

      4. The words and box must be textured colors besides white and gray.

      5. Standard Turn-in to Canvas when finished.


Standard Turn-in

When you have met all the specifications:

  1. Raise your hand to have Mr. Bright check that you have met the Specifications.

  2. After being checked-off and completing any revisions, Download and Export a PNG image to your "Computer Graphics" folder.

  3. In Canvas you will press the Start Assignment button, upload the PNG image, and press Submit to turn-in the assignment.