The Universe - Nov. 13 to Dec. 1

Post date: Nov 12, 2014 11:51:47 PM



11/14 -Read "Space Dust" on page 5 and "Galactic Showdown" on Pgs. 20-22 of ScienceWorld March 5, 2014.

    1. Blackhole

    2. Light Year (SS pg. 8)

    3. Apparent Magnitude (SS pg. 20)

    4. Horizon (Old ES pgs. 491-492)

    5. Zenith (Old ES pgs. 491-492)

    6. Nebula (SS pg 28)

    7. White Dwarf Star (SS pg 30-31)

    8. Neutron Star (SS pg 33)

  1. Supernova (SS pg. 32)

  2. Big Bang Theory (Old ES pg. 586)

  3. Spectrograph or Spectroscope (Old ES pgs. 570-571)

  1. Make a simple diagram showing the two different ways stars form.

  2. How do Blackholes come to be?

  3. Where are they found?

  4. If they are 'black', how do we know they are out there?

11/17 - The colors that stars twinkle tell us about the surface temperature of the stars. List the colors of the rainbow in order from coldest to hottest.

11/18 - Make a Venn diagram comparing Apparent Magnitude with Absolute Magnitude. (SS pgs. 20-21)

11/19 - Make a picture with labels that shows what happens during Nuclear Fusion. Why is Nuclear Fusion important to star formation? (SS pg. 29)

11/20 - What does an H-R diagram compare about stars? What does it tell us about how stars form? (SS pgs. 34-35)

11/21 - What are the size trends in the H-R diagram? As Absolute Magnitude (Luminostiy) goes up the radius of the star gets.... As stars get more blue (higher temperature) the radius of a star gets....

Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Explorer -

12/1 - How does the discovery of Cosmic Background Radiation support the Big Bang Theory? (Old ES pg. 587, A Short History of the Universe -

12/2 - What causes the Redshift (or the Doppler Effect) to happen? (Old ES pg 493, Notes: NOVA: Hunting the Edge of Space, Part 2 -


    • Galaxy Zoo - 11/17

    • Exploravision 11 pages - 12/12

      • Breakthroughs

      • Design Process

      • Consequences

      • Bibliography



    • Galaxy Zoo - 11/14

    • Space Science Book Unit 1 Lesson 1 (pgs. 2-13) - 11/17

    • Star Finder Practice - 11/19

    • SS U1L2 (pgs. 16-25) - 11/19

    • SS U1L3 (pgs. 26-37) - 11/21

    • Life of a Star - 12/1

    • Notes: NOVA: Hunting the Edge of Space, Part 2 -

    • Quiz: The Universe and Finding Stars - 12/3

    • Describe the structure of the universe.

    • Describe the scale and distances between objects in the universe

    • Be able to describe the different types of stars and their physical properties.

    • Explain the possible life cycle of stars depending on their mass.
