Moon, Meteorites and Space Travel - 10/16 to 10/31

Post date: Oct 16, 2014 5:11:59 PM



10/16 - Why doesn't the moon just fall into and collide with the Earth? How does it stay in orbit?

10/17 - Make a Venn diagram comparing Revolution with Rotation. (SS pgs 142 to 143)

10/20 - Make a Venn diagram comparing umbra with penumbra. (SS pg. 158)

10/21 - Make a Venn diagram comparing Solar Eclipse with Lunar Eclipse. (SS pgs 158-159)

10/22 - NASA considered 3 alternatives to get to the moon: Direct Decent, EOR, and LOR. What trade-offs led them to finally select LOR to get to the moon?

10/24 - Make a hypothesis for how the moon became the moon.

10/28 - Make a Venn diagram comparing meteor with meteorite. (SS pgs. 122-125)

10/29 - Why are there so many more impact craters visible on the moon than on Earth?

10/31 - Make a Venn diagram comparing Wavelength with Frequency.

11/3 - Make a Venn diagram comparing Electromagnetic Waves with Mechanical Waves.

11/4 - Make a list of at least 6 examples of mechanical waves and 6 examples of electromagnetic waves.

11/7 - How can the shape and arrangement of material effect the way light is reflected or absorbed? THIS IS A BUTTERFLY! -

  1. Annotation (SS R18-R19)

  2. Satellite (SS pg. 154)

  3. Gravity (SS pg. 154)

  4. Lunar Phases (SS pg. 156)

  5. Solar Eclipse (SS pgs. 158-159)

  6. Corona (SS pg 77)

  7. NASA (SS pg. 220)

  8. Rover (SS pg. 207

  9. Asteroid (SS pgs. 122-125)

  10. Meteor (SS pgs. 122-125)

  11. Suborbital (SS pg 222)

  12. Wavelength (SS pg. 188)

  13. Electromagnetic Spectrum (SS pg 188)

  14. Absorption (SS pg 191)

  1. Revised Present Technology and History sections

  2. Future Technology Section

  3. Basic Bibliography

  4. Group will give a 3-5 minute presentation of their Future Technology.




  • Space Science Book Unit 3, Lesson 2 (pgs. 152-161) - due 10/22

  • The Phases of the Moon - due 10/21

  • Quiz: Moon Phases, Eclipse - due 10/23

  • SS U4L2 (pgs. 202-215) - due 10/27

  • Space Travel History/Famous Craters - due 10/29

  • SS U4L3 (pgs. 218-231) - due 10/31

  • SS U4L1 (pgs. 186-199) - 11/5

  • Wave Characteristics/Basic Properties of Waves - 11/6

  • Test: SS Unit 4 on Space Travel and basic waves -11/12

  • Signed Portfolio: Oct 2 to Nov. 7 - 11/12

  • Identify the 8 phases of the moon and the conditions that would cause them.

  • Differentiate between rotation and revolution.

  • Explain the conditions that would cause one object to orbit another.

  • Differentiate between lunar eclipse and solar eclipse.

  • Discuss design trade-offs in spacecraft.

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