Computer Graphics

Using SketchUp for Schools

Welcome to Computer Graphics! 

In this class we will learn how to make 3-dimensional representations of objects on a computer such as might be used in architecture, engineering, 3-D printing and video games.



SketchUp is a widely used, versatile, 3-dimensional graphics program. SketchUp guesses what you are trying to do using a process called inference. Inference allows you to use just a few tools in a variety of ways to create complex graphical objects like those found in video games.

Everything you make within SketchUp is either an edge or a face. Lines are usually thought of as edges in SketchUp. Joining three lines together to make a triangle will produce a flat surface called a face. A face will be created in SketchUp whenever any lines are joined together so they can make a flat shape. A face that goes on forever is called a plane. Three or more lines in the same plane are said to be coplanar

A Material is a color, pattern or picture that can be painted onto a face. Materials can be positioned by moving, sizing, rotating and skewing to make the object look right.

Sketchup allows you to use these simple concepts to make incredible things with just a few tools.

Using Sketchup

In this class we will use a version called SketchUp for Schools that requires you to be logged into your district email. This will work on any computer, laptop, tablet, or Chromebook that meets the minimum requirements. To get to SketchUp for Schools follow one of the following:

SketchUp for Schools Main Screen

SketchUp for Schools Main Screen

On your first time in, take the Tour. Then you can start on the Week 0 Self-Paced Tutorials below.

Class Expectations

Students will complete tasks by meeting the specifications for that task. Specifications are goals that must be met to complete the task. Each task requires demonstrating certain skills to meet all the specifications. You may work at your own speed, but the tasks should be completed close to their due dates to keep up. Each task should be completed before moving to the next. 

Written and video instructions are provided for using the SketchUp tools to meet specifications of the task. Mr. Bright is available to provide help after you have looked through the instructions and tried it yourself once or twice. If you make a mistake you can always click undo in the edit menu or hold down the CTRL and Z buttons at the same time.

Your Grade for each task will be based on the elegance and creativity of your work while meeting all the specifications of each task. Just barely meeting the specifications will earn a B or 8 out of 10. Missing any specification will earn a C or 7 out of 10 or worse.

Class will normally meet in Digital Lab D-5 in the West hallway.

Professional Habits in Computer Graphics.  Beginning of class On-time in work area or assigned computer.   Prepared with current work and pencil. Beginning current Concept Learning or Project. Class Work  Working politely with those around you. Using resources and asking neighbor before asking teacher. Personal Boundaries Appropriate conversation level so as not to distract others. Using respectful language. Workplace behavior - No PDA (Personal Displays of Affection). End of class and Clean-up All tools and materials neatly put back in the proper place. Computer work saved in Google Drive or P: drive.  Computer signed-out and chairs pushed under tables.

Saving Files

Make a "Computer Graphics" folder in Google Drive where you can save all your work. 

Never save files to a district computer as it will be erased as soon as you log off!

You may also save your work to the P: drive with your username. This saves it onto the district network. Warning: The district network cannot be accessed from home or by Chromebooks. 

Standard Turn-in

When you feel you have met all the specifications:

Useful Links

SketchUp for Schools

SketchUp for Schools Cheat Sheet -

SKP Tools Handout for Comp Book.pdf - 

SketchUp Pro Quick Reference Card for Windows

Knowledge Center - - Step-by-step written instructions for using SketchUp tools and features.

Video Tutorials - - Short videos on how to do things in SketchUp.

Schooltube: "SketchUp" - SketchUp search for videos at

Official SketchUp Blog - - Tips, news, and links on SketchUp.

3D Warehouse - - Free searchable collections of graphics made in SketchUp.

Standards and Student Work

There are two free versions of SketchUp that do not require a district login. You could use them on your own outside of class:

Task: Self-Paced Tutorials

Complete all four Self-Paced Tutorials and save each to your Computer Graphics folder you created in Google Drive.

Take your time and ask questions as you have them. These tutorials will teach you most of the basics of using SketchUp.

There will be an Open computer, closed neighbor quiz on what you have learned at the end of week 1. The quiz is a performance quiz rather than a memory quiz. You will be able to use this website, your saved tutorials and SketchUp to help answer the questions.

Self-Paced Tutorials

Introduction to SketchUp - Skills: Orbit, Zoom, Pan, Rectangle, Push/Pull, and adding & subtracting

Start Drawing Part 1 - Skills: Undo, Rectangle, Line, Move, midpoints, endpoints & blue axis

Start Drawing Part 2 - Skills: Paint Bucket and Shadows

Start Drawing Part 3 - Skills: Using Inference and Styles

Task: Hello World Box

Create a "Hello World" box in SketchUp that meets the following specifications:

Task: Make a she-shed (or he-shed)

The girl you see when first starting the old SketchUp Make 2014 is Sophie. She needs a hang out place.  You should make a she-shed from scratch that at least meets the following specifications

Task: Make a name tag to 3-D print.

Memorial has 3-D printers. Your task this week is to make a name tag in SketchUp and then export it as an STL file ready for slicing and printing.


Task Part A: Simple Chair

Sophie needs some chairs. Make a four-legged chair with a back using either the additive or subtractive method described in the video (up to minute 5:12). 


Task Part B: Fancy Chair

The chair you made is pretty plain. Sophie would like something unique she can talk about. Make a fancier chair. The New Users 4: Create a Chair video from 5:13 minute mark to the end can give you ideas. 


Week 5 - Unfolded and Refolded Shapes

Task: Unfold Two Shapes in SketchUp. 



Required Instructions

Basic steps:


Foldable Image

Weeks 6 to 8 - Watering Can for Sophie

Task: Watering Can

Sophie likes Mr. Bright's blue watering can. She has to have it! But Sophie thinks solid colors and repeating patterns are soooo boring. She wants something more personal. She wants the watering can to remind her of who made it. 

Make a precise model of Mr. Bright's watering can with a complex, multicolored image to put on the can. This will use all of the skills and tools you have learned so far.

If we imagine how the makers originally made the watering can, we see they probably made the spout and handle completely separate from the can and then welded them onto the can. That can be a good way to make this in SketchUp. We will worry about moving, rotating, and intersecting the separate parts once we have made them in all their detail.

Overall Specifications:

Making Parts 1: The Can


Basic Instructions

Making a Wrapper Image for the Can


Canvas Size for 5” wide 4” tall Can

Circumference = Diameter x 𝝿

Width = 5” x 3.14 = 15.7”

Height = 4”

Aspect Ratio = Width ÷ Height 

15.7:4 = 3.925:1

Required Instructions

You can use Paint 3D to make incredible images yourself.

Paint 3D - Tutorial for Beginners in 10 MINUTES! -

Wrapping an Image around the Can

There are two ways to get an image along a curved surface in SketchUp. The most common is to project a texture that has been put on a screen onto the curved surface as described in the video - SketchUp Skill Builder: Projecting Textures on Curved Surfaces. The second way only works on cylinders and cones made by pushing on a circle as described in the video Wrap an image around a cylinder. This second way is the most likely way you will want to put an image on the can. Below are some basic instructions for wrapping an image around a cylinder.

Procedure for SketchUp for Schools

Making Parts 2: The Handle

If you look at the handle carefully from the side, the top of the handle has a big circle and a straight line. The bottom curl is just a little circle.

Making Parts 3: The Spout

The spout is constructed of 7 cones, but six of the cones are the same. Before attempting this part look at: Two different ways to draw a cone.

Joining the Spout to the Can

Standard Turn-in

Week 10 - Build a Birdhouse

Now that she has her own personalized watering can, Sophie would like you to design a bird house that she could build from pieces cut from a 6 inch wide 1 inch thick board. She wants a birdhouse design that is most attractive to house sparrows


Part 1 - Birdhouse Specifications

Part 2 - Dimensioned Cut-Board

Part 3 - 3-View of Birdhouse

Required Instructions

Build a Birdhouse for Shop Class - 

Slides 9 to 19 are step-by-step instructions for building the birdhouse.

SketchUp for Schools lesson plan: Build a Birdhouse for Shop Class

Weeks 11-12 - Scale Model

Task: Scale Model

Make a model of a real thing that is the right size, shape, and looks like the real thing.


Which picture is of a real object?

Collins Radio Tuning Unit

Required Instructions

SketchUp Skill Builder: Projecting Textures on Curved Surfaces - youtube

A company's logo could be put on a flat face of an object by:

An image of the computer screen can be placed on a flat face by:

Saving the screen image as a .png.

Optional Instructions

. SketchUp Rectangle Tool: Creating precise rectangles - Skills: Rectangle Tool, Precise dimensions.

. Toolbar Series: Scale Tool - Skills: Scale Tool, resizing objects, proportioning, and mirroring.

. Two different ways to draw a cone - Skills: Making cones and tapered curved surfaces.

. Drawing a Sphere - Skills: Making spheres and rounded corners.

. Soften/Smooth Edges - Skills: smoothing, softening and blending complex shapes.

. Applying photo-textures to the sides of your building - Skills: Importing photo-textures

. Position Texture Tool: Manipulating a material using Fixed Pin mode - Skills: positioning textures

Wrapping (projecting) text along a shape - (video 5:54) - Skills: Importing an image, positioning textures, placing texture along a curved surface.

Wrap an image around a cylinder - (Video 3:10) - Skills: Importing an image, positioning textures, placing texture around a cylinder.

Rounded Cube with Native Tools (7:50) - Skill Builder -

How to create organic shapes with native tools in SketchUp - Skill Builder -

Weeks 13 to 16 - Dream House on a Budget

Option A: Make your dream house on a budget

Congratulations! A relative you never knew left you a 80 ft X 80 ft piece of property in Albany. Now you want to build a house on it. You have $150,000 to build and furnish your own house. Each square foot of area costs $100.

Using a spreadsheet, you can enter the lengths and widths of rooms, and amount of furniture into the yellow boxes to calculate costs. You can save the spreadsheet to your Google Drive account by opening it as a Google Spreadsheet.

House Budget Spreadsheet 

Option B: Make a scale model of a Memorial classroom

With the teacher's permission, create a 3-D model of a Memorial classroom complete with furniture, windows, and doors of the correct size and in the right places.  

Measurements will need to be gathered using measuring tape, a meter stick, and/or counting and measuring floor tiles. Use this worksheet to help organize all the data you need.

Modeling Your Classroom (Intermediate 21:09) - 

Either option can be divided into four big steps:


   Past Work

 Specifications and Work Flow

Step 1: Create a floor plan.

 Option A: Dream House on a Budget

 Option B: Memorial Classroom

B-3 Floor Plan

Step 2: Furnish your floor-plan.

 Option A: Dream House on a Budget

 Show Mr. Bright your Spreadsheet and floorplan with furniture.

 Option B: Memorial Classroom

Show Mr. Bright your measurement worksheet and floorplan with furniture.

B-3 Floor Plan w/ Furniture

Floor Plan Checkoff

Step 3: Make the inside 3-D

B-3 in 3-D

3-D House Checkoff

Step 4: Make the outside.

Option A: Dream House on a Budget

Make the Roof

Make the Landscape

 Option B: Memorial Classroom

Make a Classroom Map

Final Checkoff

Before having your work checked, make sure you have the following:

 Dream House on a Budget

Once checked, e-mail two 2-D images of your favorite views to Mr. Bright. The whole SketchUp file will be emailed in the next assignment.

Memorial Classroom 

Once checked, e-mail a 2-D black and white of the classroom map and another 2-D color image of your favorite view. The whole SketchUp file will be emailed in the next assignment.

Section Planes

Making complex stuff on slow computers

Objects and components with similar functions should be put in named Tags in SketchUp. The visibility of Tags can be easily turned off and on. There are many advantages to using Tags besides keeping organized:

With SketchUp, the computer only needs to draw what it is showing on the screen. If much of the detail of a model is in Tags that are turned off or hidden, the computer will take less time and memory to redraw the screen. Using Tags, even large complex models are possible on small, slow, memory limited netbook or Chromebook type of computers.

Week 17 - Tour for Sophie


Sophie is a teacher in the market for a house. She is willing to pay over twice what you spent for your house, but she has to see it first. She also needs to choose a classroom to be in at Memorial. Your task is to show off your house or classroom by creating an animated tour in SketchUp. 

Tour specifications:


After your work has been checked, you will need to export a video of your Tour for Sophie. Keep in mind that the computer may take 20 minutes or more to create the video depending on the number of scenes and settings you have chosen. 

Upload two files into Google Drive and share them with Mr. Bright:

Required Instructions

SketchUp Animation Tutorial (Video 4:18) - Skills: Scene Tool, arranging scenes

What's Next?

Expand your abilities with a new project. There are several options for a new project:

Link to Second Semester SketchUp Class Website