February 3 to 12 - Crater Lab

Post date: Feb 4, 2015 1:17:53 AM

Big Question

What properties of a meteoroid make for the largest impact craters?

Properties of Meteoroids





Largeness of Crater





2/3 Identify the independent and dependent variables from the Big Question. What specific measurements would you prefer your group to use as variables?

2/4 Rewrite the Big question with the two measurements your group is going to focus on for variables. Write an If...then...because hypothesis.

2/5 Write a procedure of at least four steps for the hypothesis: "The farther a ball drops, the higher it will bounce." (This is practice for the Crater Lab.)

2/6 Write a procedure that is at least 5 instructions long for how you think your group should perform the Crater Lab experiment. (This is your rough draft for the procedure you will use in your experiment.)

2/10 List all the things that must go into a graph. (SS R46-48)


  • Independent Variable (SS R30-R31)

  • Dependent Variable (SS R30-31)

  • Constant (SS R30)

  • Procedure (SS R31)


Finished Crater Lab, 4 pages- Due 2/12

  • Propose questions and hypotheses that can be tested.

  • Create detailed procedures for a scientific investigation.

  • Display relevant data.

  • Describe data and patterns in the data.

  • Determine if a hypothesis is supported or not from the data.

  • Procedure and Empty Data Table - 2/9

  • Graph of Crater Lab data - 2/11

How Meteorites Form Big Craters

Page 1 Forming the Question and Hypothesis

Page 3 Collecting and Presenting Data

1. Write a background for your investigation.

8. Create at least one graph that describes your data.

-How are Asteroids, Meteoroids, Meteors, Meteorites, and Comets different?

-What materials make up these objects?

-What are differences between impact craters and volcanic craters? Describe examples of the two different kinds of craters on Earth or the moon.

-What are possible factors that could influence the size of an impact crater?

a) Use a ruler to create straight, neat lines.

a) Everything should be labeled: title, x-axis, y-axis, units, and legend.

*2. Label and write your science question.

*3. Label and write your hypothesis. If...then...because...

Page 2 Designing the Experiment

Page 4 Drawing Conclusions

Write a report of at least 1-page including the following:

*4. What is the independent (or manipulated) variable in your experiment?

*5. What is the dependent (or responding) variable in your experiment?

*6. Create a materials list.

*7. Make a Procedure: Use words and pictures in a numbered list of steps to describe how to test your hypothesis.

* May be common to your group.

9. Use your graph to find patterns.

a) Describe your data. What stands out?

b) Describe how the data shows whether your hypothesis is supported or not.

c) Did your results match others in class with the same independent variable? What was different?

d) What would you do differently to improve this experiment or its results?

10. Answer the Big Question by comparing your graphs with others that had a different independent variable. What independent variable had the most influence on the size or depth of the crater? How does the data shows this?