April 17 to 30 - Plate Tectonics, Mountains and Volcanos

Post date: Apr 16, 2014 5:55:11 PM



    1. Pangaea DE U4L2

    2. Sea-floor spreading

    3. Mid-Ocean Ridge

    4. Mantle Convection

    5. Subduction Zone

    6. Syncline DE U4L3

    7. Anticline

    8. Folded Mountains

    9. Fault-Block Mountains

    10. Volcano DE U4L4

    11. Vent

    12. Pyroclastic Material

    13. Hot spot

    • Convergent, Divergent and Transform Boundaries

    • Stress, Shear, Tension, Compression, Fault, Deformation, Hanging Wall, Foot Wall, Uplift

    • Magma, Lava, Viscosity, Volcanic Crater, Caldera,

4/17 - What did Alfred Wegener propose? (video clip)

4/18 - Make a Venn diagram of Gondwana and Laurasia. Be sure to include the continents that were in each.

4/21 - What evidence told us about the spreading of tectonics plates? (DE pg. 204 to 205)

4/22 - Summarize 5 evidences for Pangaea, Continental Drift, and Plate Tectonics.

4/24 - Make a Venn diagram comparing Hanging Wall and Footwall as they apply to earthquake faults. (DE pgs. 220-221)

4/25 - Make a Venn diagram comparing magma and lava.

4/28 - What are the 3 main types of volcanoes? Name 3 characteristics for each. (DE pg. 229)

4/29 - What kind of volcanoes form: 1) above a Hot spot, 2) at convergent plate boundaries and 3) at divergent plate boundaries.


Other Words & Concepts



    • DE U4L2 - Plate Tectonics 4/21

    • Pangaea and Continental Drift 4/21

    • DE U4L3 - Mountain Building 4/24

    • Earthquake Faults 4/25

    • Quiz: Faults and Mountains 4/25

    • DE U4L4 - Volcanoes 4/29

    • Volcanoes! 4/30

    • Plate Tectonic and Volcano Picture 5/1

    • Test: DE Unit 4 -The Restless Earth 5/1


Material not covered so far that could be on Science OAKs.

In order of importance.

  • DE U3L2 - The Rock Cycle

  • DE U2L2 - Relative Dating

  • DE U2L4 - Geologic Time Scale

  • DE U1L2 - Weathering

  • DE U1L3 - Erosion and Deposition by Water (Partially covered)

    • Identify 6 different kinds of evidence for plate tectonics and Pangaea.

    • Describe how tectonic plates move

    • Identify geologic events that occur because of tectonic plate movement.

    • Identify types of mountains and volcanoes, what causes them, and how they form.