May 11 to 27 - Earthquakes and Earths Interior

Post date: May 11, 2015 5:51:00 PM



5/12 - What is an Earthquake?

Earthquake 101 -

5/13 - What happen in Nepal yesterday? How big was it? How much damage did it cause? Why did it happen?

150512_Nepal.pdf -

5/14 - What patterns do you see when earthquakes are plotted over a long period of time?

SeismicEruptionSetup.exe -

5/15 - Make a table showing how the three kinds of stress, Tectonic Plate Boundaries and Faults are related.

5/18 - Make a Venn diagram comparing the Focus, Fault, and Epicenter. Why is it unlikely that an earthquake's epicenter would fall on a fault line?

5/19 - What can you do to prepare for an earthquake at home? What would you do if an Earthquake happened while you were in class?

5/20 - List 5 examples of waves. Take down 10 examples from class discussion and mark them as to transverse, longitudinal, and combination types.

5/21 - Read "Surviving a Tsunami" in ScienceWorld, pages 12-15

  1. Stress DE U4 L5

  2. Deformation

  3. Elastic Rebound

  4. Tectonic Plate Boundary

  5. Seismic Waves DE U4 L6

  6. Richter Scale

  7. Seismometer

  8. Body Waves

  9. Surface Waves

  10. triangulation

  11. Intensity

  12. Crust DE U4 L1

  13. Mantle

  14. Core

  15. Lithosphere

  16. Asthenosphere

  17. Mesosphere

1. What kind of warning was given for the Tsunami?

2. How does a Tsunami form? Why is it taller when close to the shore?

3. How did Masahiro show courage?

Other Words & Concepts

5/26 Make a Venn diagram comparing the two types of Body Waves.

5/27 - What is the lag time of seismic waves? How can it be used to find where earthquakes have occurred in the world?

5/28 - From the short animation on screen: Four Station Seismograph Network - :

  • Earthquake, Focus, Epicenter, Fault, Tension, Compression, Shearing, Elastic Rebound; Divergent, Convergent and Transform Boundaries

  • Seismogram, Intensity, P-Waves, S-Waves, Magnitude, Liquefaction

  • Convection

1. List the seismic waves from fastest to slowest.

2. What kind of seismic waves go through the Earth's core?

3. How do we know about the layers inside Earth?

6/3 - List five kinds of evidence that continents move.

6/4 - Make a Venn diagram comparing Hanging Wall and Footwall as they apply to earthquake faults. (DE pgs. 220-221)




  • Earth's Changing Surface 5/13

  • Fettucine Earthquake 5/15

  • DE U4L5 - Earthquakes & pgs 220, 221 5/18

  • Tsunamis and Subduction - 5/19

  • DE U4L6 - Measuring EQ Waves - 5/26

  • Earthquake Search - 5/29

  • Layers of the Earth/Earthquake! - 5/29

  • DE U4L1 - Earth's Layers 6/1

  • Portfolio 4/19 to 6/1 - due 6/2

  • Quiz: Earthquakes and Earth's Interior - 6/2

Final Assignments

  • DE U4L2 - Plate Tectonics - 6/4

  • Earthquake Faults - 6/8

  • Plate Boundaries - 6/10

  • Identify three types of stress and associate them with three types of fault and tectonic plate boundary.

  • Geographically identify examples of stress, faults and tectonic plate boundaries.

  • Identify the properties of body waves and surface waves that relate to the magnitude and intensity of earthquakes.

  • Apply the properties of body waves to triangulate earthquake epicenters and map the interior of the earth.

  • Explain how we know what is inside the earth.

  • Identify ways to make damage less severe and protect yourself during earthquakes.

  • Describe the layers of the earth by chemical composition and physical properties.