Moon Landing

Big Question: How did we get astronauts to the moon?

12/3 - NASA considered 3 modes to get to the moon: Direct Ascent, EOR, and LOR. Make a list of Pros and Cons for each.

Direct Ascent uses a super large rocket to send a large spaceship to the moon that lands backwards and then comes back to earth.

Earth Orbit Rendezvous (EOR) uses 2 small rockets to take fuel and a large spaceship into Earth orbit where it is brought together and then proceeds to the moon.

Lunar Orbit Rendezvous (LOR) uses 1 rocket to take a Command Unit and small specialized lander to orbit the moon.


12/7 - Opinion:

  1. What do you think was the biggest challenge getting to the moon?

  2. What has surprised you the most about how we made it to the moon?

12/6 - Discussion:

  1. Make a hypothesis for how the moon became the moon.

  2. What kind of evidence could support your hypothesis?

  3. What test or evidence could prove your hypothesis wrong?

12/2 - Why does the moon have so many impact craters, while the Earth only has a few that we can see?