March 6 to 12 - Climate

Post date: Mar 5, 2014 9:06:43 PM



3/7 - List factors that effect the type of climate you would have in an area.

3/10 - Describe patterns you see in the two graphs below.

3/11 - Use the links below to complete the Glacier Simulation worksheet:

    1. Topography (EWA U4L6)

    2. Surface Currents

    3. Tropical

    4. Temperate

    5. Polar

    6. El Nino (EWA U4L7)

    7. Ice age

    8. Climate models



    • Pretest: Unknown Continent 3/7

    • EWA U4L6 - Climates 3/10

    • EWA U4L7 - Climate Change 3/12

  • Glacier Simulation 3/12

    • Quiz: Another Unknown Continent 3/12

Greenhouse Gas concentrations in the last 2000 years

    • Describe the effects of latitude, topography, elevation, global winds, large bodies of water, and ocean currents on climate

    • Predict the different climate conditions on any shape of continent, on a planet otherwise just like earth.

    • List and explain the main forcings of climate change.

    • Describe possible human forcings of climate change.

Global CO2 and temperature change over the past 800,000 years.