
[ community & post office established 4 Sept 1908 - discontinued 15 June 1918 moved to Thelma ] Sadler was located a couple of miles north of Register. It is thought that Sadler was named for C. J. Sadler. It was settled in the early 1900's.


G. J. Jack Sadler was a farmer in his early days and lived in the northern area of the Sand Hills. He was the postmaster at Sadler for a while and operated a store. Later he moved to Pineland where he operated a store and garage.


Article from The Taylor County Herald, July 21, 1910 - Sadler news - The health of this neighborhood is generally good for the time of the year. - We are sorry to learn that Mrs. G. J. Sadler and little son are having chills and fever and hope to see them well very soon. - Crops are very good here. - Mr. L. E. Williams and Mr. George Smith were out at the home of Mr. Williams Sunday, returning in the afternoon to the coast. They report plenty of fish now.


Article written in The Taylor County Herald dated Sept 29, 1916 - under Sadler news. - Fishing at Jonesville is simply fine these days, so say the fisherman. - The Sunday School at Hickory Head School house is progressing nicely the supervision of J. B. Lewis, Prof. A. S. Green having gone to Salem School to start teaching there the duty of teacher was also imposed on Mr. Lewis.