Taylor County Medical Association 1919

Taylor County Medical Association

January 2, 1919

Was called to order at 2 P. M. by the President W. W. Tyson, with the following physicians present: J. L. Weeks, W. W. Tyson, C. T. Culpepper, J. H. Knight, C. C. Purtle, J. F. Gardner, and C. A. O’Quinn. The Taylor County Medical Association was organized for the year 1919. W. W. Tyson was made President and C. A. O’Quinn Secretary. It was moved and carried that Dr. J. L. Weeks name be added to the notices being sent out. The following scale of prices will be charged for services rendered:

City visits from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. $2.00.

Additional visits same day $2.00.

City visits from 9 P. M. to 6 A. M. $3.00.

Additional visits same night $2.00.

Offices work $1.00 to $5.00.

Out of town day visits 50 cents mileage and $2.00 call.

Out of town night visits 75 cents mileage and $2.00 call.

Extra time spent by request $1.00 per hour.

Way-side calls $2.00.

Obstetrics normal $15.00 and mileage.

Obstetrics forceps $25.00 up and mileage.

Additional visits, regular visit price.

Curettment $10.00 minimum.

Taking patient to hospital $1.00 per hour and expenses.

Veneral diseases $5.00 and cash with first consultation.

Anaesthetic administering $5.00 and mileage.

Consultation by request of patient $10.00 and mileage.

Wounds dressing $1.00 to $10.00.

Fractures $5.00 to $50.00.

Dislocations $5.00 minimum.

Filling Insurance Blanks sick claims $1.00.

Fraternal Insurance Examinations $2.00.

All old line Insurance Companies $5.00 for each examination.

Committee on resolution to make it binding on each and every member of the Association: C. T. Culpepper, J. H. Knight, C. A. O’Quinn.

C. A. O’Quinn, Sec.

        Resolution adopted January 6, 1919

Whereas, The Physician’s life is one of hardships and burdens, he having to go, in relieving sick and suffering humanity, at all hours of the day and night, thru sunshine and rain, thru heat and cold; and

Whereas, there are many who do not appreciate the sacrifices made by physicians in their work in relieving the sick and suffering, and who fail and refuse to pay their physician for his services after he has labored long and faithfully for the welfare of them and their family, and

Be it Resolved, That we, the undersigned physicians, hereby associate ourselves into an association to be known as Taylor Co. Med. Association and mutually agree to stand to, and abide by all the rules and regulations of said association and we mutually agree that we will not visit professionally any one who owes any one of the undersigned physicians anything for professional services and who fails and refuses to make satisfactory arrangements therefore.

Resolved Further, That if any person who owes any one of the undersigned physicians anything for professional services and has not made satisfactory arrangements therefore, shall request the professional services of any one of said undersigned physicians, said physician shall refuse his professional services unless the said person so requested pay whatever sum he may owe any one of the said undersigned, and in the event the said party pay to said physician so requested to make a professional call any amount that he may be due any of the undersigned physicians for professional services, then the said physician shall have the right to receive said sum for and on behalf of any other of said undersigned physicians so due them, and shall then be at liberty to visit professionally said person so requesting his professional services and said physician shall be allowed 5% of any sum so collected for any other of said undersigned physicians.

Resolved Further, That if any of the undersigned physicians shall violate any of the provisions hereof, he shall be fined $25.00 which sum shall be paid to the Treasurer of this Association or in default of the payment of said fine, he shall be expelled from the Association.

W. W. Tyson

C. A. O’Quinn

C. C. Purtle

J. F. Gardner

J. H. Knight

C. T. Culpepper

T. C. Jones

J. L. Weeks

G. H. Warren