The Taylor County Herald

Perry, Florida, Friday, July 21, 1910


Artesian Water May Be Valuable

The analysis of the City’s flowing well has been received and shows the water to be excellent for drinking purposes from a standpoint of purity, but too hard for domestic use and also unfit for boilers and iron vessels which it will corrode.

Hon. A. P. Jordan, state pure food inspector, who was in the city Tuesday, quoted the state chemist as declaring the water contained the same properties as the water at Saratoga Springs and probably valuable from a medical standpoint.

The city authorities are in a quandary as to what to do with the well, as it cannot be used for general purposes, and the matter of building a bathing pool and turning it into it is being talked of considerably but the town is not just now in financial condition to undertake that matter.

There is no doubt but that the well is valuable and that at some future time it will be turned to good account.




Lake Joe Locals


Mr. Noie McDowell has gone visiting for a while.


Mrs. L. R. Bullard is visiting relatives in Mayo.


There is lots of fever in this settlement just now.


Mr. Henry McDowell and family, and Josh and Frank Ezell and families, spent a few days at the coast last week fishing.


Henry Deal and family and Zack  Deal and wife spent a few days at the coast last week.


Mr. Malcom Donaldson is teaching the Deal  school, which started last week.


The Baptist minister failed to come to his appointment last third Sunday.


Mr. Ely Sealy has been sick for some time and has missed the fever but don’t seem to improve fast.


J.      F. Spivey and son, Walter came home Saturday and returned to their work Monday.


Mr. Henry Collins and family visited Mr. Hodges’ family this week returning home Monday.


Mrs. J. A. Coker and daughter called on some of their friends in this settlement last week.


T.     W. Lammons came down Saturday to see his parents and found them all in bed with fever but they are improving a little.


Bennie Lewis and wife have returned from Greenville, satisfied to stay in Taylor county for a while longer.


G.    B. Weaver is moving his saw mill from Salem to Athena.


Last Friday L. L. Hardee’s mule got frightened at a top buggy side of the road and run into a pond, broke the buggy shafts and ducked Mr. Hardee head first in the pond, The mule went to the post office and stopped.





Shady Grove Times


Rev. J. M. Hendry filled his regular appointment  at the Methodist church Sunday.


School opened Monday with a fairly good enrollment for beginning. We hope  to have the best school ever taught here and prospects are good, with Prof. Cash as principal, L. L. Henderson, first assistant and Miss. Eugenia Hendry as primary teacher.


Mr. Jim Moody, a prominent naval stores man of this place, made a trip to Perry Monday.


Several  of our folks went to Adel Wednesday on the excursion and all report a good time.


Miss. Eugenia and Wesly Hendry, of this place, attended church at Boyd last Sunday.


Mr. W. P. Strickland, of the Covington section, was a visitor to our town Monday.


Mr. Warren Horne, of south Florida, is visiting friends here now for a while.


Miss Willie Thompson, a charming young lady from Lloyd, is visiting friends near here now.


Mr. A. D. Poppell, of Boyd, spent a few afternoons in Shady Grove this week. What’s the attraction, any how?


Mr. Jack Sapp, a leading farmer of this section, was in town Tuesday and brought with him some fine melons and peaches.



Saddler Bits


The health of this neighborhood is generally good for the time of the year.


We are sorry to learn that Mrs. G. J. Saddler and little son are having chills and fever and hope to see them well very soon.


Mr. L. E. Williams and Mr. George Smith were out at the home of Mr. Williams Sunday, returning in the afternoon to the coast. They report plenty of fish now.


Crops are very good here.




On the first Monday in August next, the board will let contract to build school house at McMullen new school site and specification is on file in Superintendent’s office for inspection to any who may want to bid on same. Bids must be in the hands of the board by noon on above date. Bids to be sealed.

Done and ordered this 4th day of July, 1910

W.   A. Hendry          J. E. Vann

Supt.                          Chair.



Local and Personal Items


Hon. A. P. Jordan, state  purfood inspector, was in the city Tuesday on his rounds and made this office a pleasant call.  Mr. Jordan is one of the most prominent editors in the state and a genial gentleman who has hosts of friends throughout the state.


--- Whitman’s candy --- there is none better. Tyson Drug Co. Sells it.


Mr. Stinceon Powell of Orrum. N. C. spent a few days in Perry last week, the guest of his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Powell.


- - Fine assortment of baseball goods at bargain prices at the United Hardware-Furniture Company.


Messrs. T. E. White and C. T. Taylor have put up a saw mill near the steel bridge at Fenholloway and will try saw milling for awhile.


Miss Alva Gates left the first of the week for Anthony, Fla. where she will visit relatives until August the first.


Mr. Hart and son, of Moultrie were in the city Tuesday enroute to Old Town.


The contract for the street paving will be let at the meeting of the city council on the first Tuesday in ------- fold in paper two lines missing ----  The town has about $15,000 to spend for this purpose and it is expected to pave three or four miles with rock.


Mrs. O. A. Bell and children, of Punta Gorda, and Miss Lilla Foreman, of Bradentown, are visiting their mother, Mrs. S. S. Lundy, and other relatives.



Boyd Items


We announce that there will be a big sing at Shiloh church the fifth Sunday in this month, and everybody is invited to come and be with us.


We still have Sunday school at the M. P. church and everybody is invited to join us that will.


Mr. B. F. Willis was not seen in Boyd during Sunday. We think something must be gone wrong on south street.


Miss. Mary Lamb of Madison, is spending some time with relatives at Boyd.


Mr. Bolan Hendry was rewarded by the killing of two fox Tuesday morning.


We expect to see Mr. Aaron Rowell back this week from the Valdosta hospital, where he has been some time with typhoid fever.


As the Boyd Sunday school was in session Sunday the crowd was freightened by a brief visitor to the school. A good large goat stepped in just as it was opening up, but didn’t tarry long.


Mr. Weaver, of Louisiana, is still the guest of Mr. J. H. Loughridge at Boyd, but will return soon.



B. P. Blanton  dealer in Choice Meats

Highest Cash Prices Paid for Hides of all kinds.

Goods delivered to any part of the City - All orders receive our prompt attention.



You are invited - to call and see my new and complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES      

Prices are right, good are fresh, free delivery in city - once a customer always one.

W. H. Slaughter  Phone No. 7



A new and complete outfit of Horses, Mules, Buggies, Wagons and Harness - at bargain prices

Livery, Feed and Sale Stables

New rigs and teams rented at reasonable rates.

Stables located on East Green Street in the old Platt Building


Perry Live Stock and Vehicle Company



Send your clothes to the EVER-CREASE PRESSING CLUB if you want the very best of work done. All work guaranteed. Cleaning, Dyeing, Repairing. Ladies’ Skirts a specialty. We will appreciate your patronage and prove it by giving you the best of work. Membership fee $1.50 per month. Clothes called for and delivered promptly.


Ever-Crease Pressing Club  - Phone No. 9    - S. M. Taylor, Prop.



First-Class Chinese Laundry

Main street, south of Oakland Hotel

Charlie Lau, Proprietor

All laundry hand-washed and hand-ironed. Care taken to pervent damage. No injurious chemicals used. If you want a good laundry in Perry for your convenience, patronize CHARLIE LAU



Good teeth and healthy gums mean sweet breath


Dr. D. D. Roberts  - Dentist



Transcriber note: The following  add was a full page.


Taylor County’s greatest value giving store is the Union Dry Goods Company


Hundreds of people see these great bargains. These people realize that our guarantee stands back of every article we sell. We handle only first-class goods and they would sell easily without a guarantee. Our great sale closed Tuesday, July 19th, but as we have a very short time to close out our immense stock, if you will take advantage of this clearance and come to our store right away, you will be able to get anything in our store at regular SALE price. These goods are going to move and to secure some real bargains you had better get busy. You should make it a point to see our line of Shoes sure. We are selling any shoe in our stock 25 per cent off regular price.  Don’t fail to see them. We would be glad to have you call.


Union Dry Goods Co.

Perry, Florida



Remember, our Soda and Ice Cream is the best.

All the latest

Creams, Sundaes and College Ices

Pure Fruit Flavors


The Tyson Drug Company


Our RX Department


In charge of Licensed Pharmacist, and all Prescriptions filled as written by the Doctor






Florida State College for Women

Tallahassee, Fla.


College of Arts and Science, Normal School, School of Music, School of Art, School of Education, School of Home Economics.

First class equipment throughout. Tuition free. Other expenses very low. For information address Edward Conradi, President



University of Florida

Gainesville, Fla.


A superior but inexpensive institution for Florida young men

Four colleges, Agricultural experiment station; University extension. 45 professors and assistants. 80 per cent increase in attendance last year. Attractive buildings and campus. For catalogue address A. A. Murphree, President



Lewis 66 Rye

Pure and aged and cereal whiskey!

Case of 4 full Qts. $5.00


For sale by


Perry Whiskey Co.

Powell & Company



Local and Personal Items


---- 5 or 6 doses “666” will cure any case of chills and fever. Price 25c


Mr. W. M. Nelson has purchased the pool room from B. S. Milton located in the Blanton Building


---- Taylor county distilled corn whiskey for sale by Perry Whiskey Company and Powell & Lanier.


We neglected to mention last week that Mr. J. H. Malloy and family have gone to North Carolina for the summer.


---- Remember our drugs are always fresh – we keep no other kind. Tyson Drug Co.


G. A. Black has sold his restaurant and gone into the grocery business, moving into the building formerly occupied by T. J. Horne & Company, who have moved into one of the Blanton buildings on Washington street.


Mr. W. M. Wilson, of Shady Grove, was doing business in town Friday.


Mr. M. F. Green last week moved from Shady Grove to Perry.


Mr. R. M. Ezell, of Lake Joe, was in the city Monday and made this office a pleasant visit.


---- Highest market prices paid for chickens and eggs at Bird & Adams, cash or trade.


 Mr. G. R. Battle is planning to go to Albany, Ga., and is offering all his property at great bargains.


We understand that Mr. J. A. Collier, formerly chief of police of Perry, is a candidate for sheriff of Colquit county, Ga.


---- Try a bottle of Bloodworth’s Chill and Fever Tonic on the “No cure; no pay plan.”


Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Jones entertained a number of the little Sunday school scholars at the Methodist parsonage Monday afternoon.


Miss. Eula Weaver returned last week from a delightful visit with friends in Quitman.


--- Eight sheets Poison Fly Paper for only 5 cents. It will kill’em quick. Sold by Bloodworth Drug Co.


Master Mortimer and Miss Nellie Brown, of Tampa, arrived Saturday night and are the guest of their sister, Mrs. Jack Taylor.


Hon. T. Z. Martin, clerk of the circuit court of Madison county, was in the city Tuesday on business.


We understand that the Florida Railway will put on a new train, beginning next Sunday. The passenger train will leave Perry at 8 a. m. and the mixed train about 1 p. m.


Mr. H. M. Sutton, of Madison came down Monday night on business and to greet his many friends.


Miss Nellie Mills, of Live Oak, is visiting Mrs. B. J. Adams.


Miss Ruth Peacock of Newberry, is the guest of her brother, Mr. L. A. Peacock, at the Peacock Hotel.


Mrs. S. H. Peacock, Jr., entertained a large number of young people Tuesday evening, all of whom had a delightful time.


Mr. J. S. Hodges, the popular manager of the Union Dry Goods Company, returned Sunday night from South Carolina where he spent a week with Mrs. Hodges and their little daughter who are spending the summer at Sumter. He reports both in excellent health.



United Hardware-Furniture Company


Extra Quality Cotton Top - Excelsior Mattress   $3.50

The body is made of fine spiral curled fiber excelsior, and on the outside is an extra heavy layer of pure elastic felt, giving it the buoyancy of the highest priced mattress. Every piece of material is throughly renovated, making it absolutely sanitary. A great value.



W. H. Porter

General Blacksmith and Repair Work


Shop located in Meredith Machine Shop Building, Calhoun Street, Brooklyn



The Taylor County Herald

Successor to

The Taylor County Banner           Est. 1887

The Perry Herald                          Est. 1891

Taylor County Advocate              Est. 1891

Taylor County Topics                   Est. 1904

The Taylor County Citizen           Est. 1905


H. G. Sparkman, Editor and Publisher

One dollar a year in advance

Perry, Florida, July 21, 1910



Good roads is all that Taylor county lacks of being up with any county in the state.


There does not seem to be any present indication of a break in the rainy season, heavy rains having fallen during the past week and everybody’s “tater” patch is doing well.


Taylor county produces more naval stores products than any other county in the state.


Neither Perry or Taylor county has been mentioned in the great Times-Union since this county voted almost unanimously against that paper’s candidate in the late primary. The Times-Union’s theory evidently is that nothing of interest to the world can happen in a section which does not vote to suit it. We have gotten along all right so far, but don’t know how long we will hold out thus greatly handicapped.