Flooding in Taylor County

Taylor County Suffers Worst Flood Ever Experienced Here

County Practically Isolated With But One Main Road Passable

No Trains Running

Washout Has Caused Temporary Suspension of Railroad Traffic.


Perry and Taylor County is practically isolated on account of the present high waters. All roads are badly damaged with numerous bridges completely washed away. The damage by the wind is slight but the flooding conditions of the streams are the worst ever experienced here. All roads with the exception of the main highway leading north toward Greenville and Madison are impassable, with the waters still rising. The Fenholloway River bridge at Fenholloway is a total loss and numerous small bridges are completely gone. No trains at present can enter or leave Perry, though it is thought that this condition can soon be remedied with the exception of the new piece of roadbed of the Atlantic Coast Line between Perry and Monticello. At present there are four trains between these towns that cannot get to either place owing to washouts. The damage to this piece of road will run into several thousands of dollars. The South Georgia Railroad Company only runs its trains as far as Shady Grove and the Live Oak, Perry & Gulf is using a bus to bring in the mail over its line.

The beautiful grounds of the Hampton are completely covered in water, the golf course is a lake of no small size and excellent fishing is enjoyed from practically any place on the roadside.

The first floor of the Bruton-Swartz Hotel is under water and the houses of the employees are flooded, and many are moving out in temporary quarters until the water receeds so that they can return home. Of course there is no loss of life and every body is apparently enjoying the novelty of the situation as best they can under the circumstances.


Article fron The Perry Herald, August 16, 1928