The Taylor County Herald

Thursday, May 30, 1940




         Last Friday morning about four o’clock fire completely destroyed the machine shops and supply building of the Burton-Swartz Cypress Company, both building and contents being practically a total loss.


         The fire was discovered by Boyd Wages, engineer, who had just arrived with a train load of logs. He gave the alarm and the mill whistle sounded, as did the Perry siren. Members of the volunteer department of the company were soon on the spot and fighting the spread of the fire. The Perry fire department soon reached the scene but the buildings were too far gone to save them or any of the contents. The fire started in the machine shops and was well underway when discovered.


         As soon as the fire died out the grounds were cleared of the debris and a new machine shop, larger and better equipped than the old one, will be erected and also a new supply house.


         Superintendent E. W. Hutchings stated to a News reporter that it was the first fire of any consequence since the mill began operations in 1914, and he was complimentary of the men at the mill for their quick response and also praised the Perry lads, who he said, accomplished a splendid work. The company has an excellent water system all over the plant and lumber yards and residents close by are members of the volunteer fire department for the company.



Victims of Ballot to be Consoled


         Andrew Poppell of Waylonzo was in town Wednesday attending to business and making arrangements for his big fish, swamp cabbage and Irish stew dinner, which he will serve next Tuesday to the defeated candidates.


         The meeting place of the forlorn ones is being kept a secret until the defeated candidates receive their invitation, which are being mailed today, Thursday.


         Any successful candidate who crashes this private consolation party will be branded and thrown into the river. Mr. Poppell says he knows just how a defeated candidate feels and they have his heartfelt sympathies.