Calvary Baptist

Calvary Baptist Church

Calvary Baptist Mission first met in the home of Mr. Clint Shaw on August 6, 1961. Charter members were: Joe Engel, Beatrice Engel, David Engel, Bobbie Engel, Sarah Poppell, Sam Poppell, Herbert Murphy, Lena Murphy, Terry Murphy, Cherri Murphy, Nondy Sue Murphy, Clinton Shaw, Lou Ella Shaw, Wayne Shaw, Rodney Shaw, Randolph Shaw, Betty Shaw, Harold Shaw, Letha Young, Irvin Young, Leonard Pridgeon, Iduma Pridgeon, Pricilla Pridgeon, Maudeen Pridgeon, Hansel Redd, Ella Redd, Hensel Redd Jr., Clayton Starks, Ollie McClain, Aubrey McClain, Gayle McClain, Geraldine Perryman, Ida Woodward and Margaret Robertson. The first officers elected were Sarah Poppell as church secretary and treasurer and Lou Ella Shaw as church clerk. Trustees were Clinton Shaw, Hansel Redd, Clayton Starks, Harold Shaw and Herbert Murphy. On September 20, 1961, these officers and board members became permanent, and Joe Engel was formally called as pastor.

On October 4, 1961, Calvary Mission adopted the rules and bylaws of the Taylor Baptist Association and requested membership in the Southern Baptist Convention. As the church began to grow, since there was no building, meetings were held in a fish market, and then in the American Legion Hall on Center Street. In January of 1962, land was purchased on Sandra Street to be the site of the new Calvary Baptist Church. Groundbreaking for the new church was on March 18, 1962, with occupation just a few months later.

The first deacon ordination ceremony at Calvary was in March of 1981. The first deacons called were Wilbur Aman, Lural Farnell and Eddie Pridgeon. The church continued to grow and prosper, with a new sanctuary addition to the original building.

In 1997 the church began to discuss relocation and the building of a new facility on land donated by the Irene Parker family. In January of 1998 the church began a Challenge to Build Program which culminated in July of 2001 with the occupation of a new facility at the current location on Golf Course Road.