Taylor County News

July 24, 1947


Service Station Changes Hands here this week.

              The City Service Station on East Green Street near the postoffice is now under new management, W. A. Eichelberger, formerly of Wildwood, having purchased the business.

              Mr. Eichelberger said that he had wanted to come to Perry for some time, and having an opportunity to buy the business of the Station on Green Street, he closed the deal Monday morning and is now in charge.

              Due to the desirable location of this service station, Mr. Eichelberger feels sure that he will be able to greatly increase the volume of business in serving customers of this area.


Local Officials Issue Warning to Drivers

              Due to speeding of cars on the streets of Perry the Mayor, J. H. Kansinger and Elbert Mathis, Chief of Police, are issuing warnings to drivers that hereafter the law related to speed limits will be enforced and offenders brought up for trial.

              Twenty miles an hour in the business section and thirty miles an hour in residential sections are the speeds permitted by ordinance of the town, and police and other officers will hereafter enforce the law insofar as possible.

              North and south Jefferson Street are favorite speedways, and to almost the same extent this is true of Spring Street (Road 19). Fatalities, due to speeding, have occurred on both streets, and the town officials are determined to stop the practice as a step toward human safety.


Patronage Increases at County Beaches

              Perry, people and also others from this section and from Georgia are enjoying the activities at the beaches of this county, and among the popular places is that of Lonzo McCall at Dekle Beach.

              Mr. McCall operates the pavilion and dining room at that place, which is enjoying a splendid and steady patronage. In addition to the regular and popular fish dinners, Mr. McCall also serves steak, chicken or shrimp dinners, with appropriate side dishes.

              The completion of the road to the beaches had brought a great increase in the number of visitors to Taylor County and each season sees a larger number coming here form Georgia. At an early date construction on the two miles stretch of paving in to Jug Island and Dekle Beach will be started, and predictions are made that further developments along Taylor's coast will be made.



Article in Taylor County News

September 4, 1947

Home Talent Rodeo Proves Big Success

Perry’s own home talent rodeo here last Friday and Saturday nights was a success in every way, the performances being good, the crowds about as large as could be handled, and prize money was sufficient to assure lively competition. People were present from all nearby counties and as far away as Kissimmee.

The rodeo was held under the lights at the football field. Bill Faircloth was the leader in the plans which involved a lot of hard work, in which he was ably assisted by T. J. and Jack Faulkner, and Buck Mathews. The rodeo was considered a big success by the riders and their helpers, for they had some money left after all expenses were paid. Plans are under way for another show to be held late in the Fall.

Several hundred dollars in prize money was contributed by business concerns here for which the cowboys are grateful. The News will publish the list of contributors next week. Prizes given at the rodeo were as follows:

Bronc riding; Toby Walker, first; Robert Ezell and Robert Ellison split second and third prizes; Billy Wright of Live Oak, fourth prize.

Bull riding; Jack Faulkner, first; J. X. Towles, second; Loys Dorman and Robert Ezell split third and fourth prizes.

Bulldogging; Dewey McGuire, first; Loys Dorman, second; W. O. Hurst, Live Oak, third; Ray Smith, Live Oak, fourth.

Calf roping; Jack Faulkner, first; J. X. Towles, second; Jack Bodiford, third; W. O. Hurst, Live Oak, fourth.

The rodeo officials desire to thank the public for attendance, the cowboys for participating, the Chamber of Commerce for co-operation and school authorities for use of the field. Jack Faulkner did the announcing over the public address system.