Blue Creek Baptist

Blue Creek Baptist Church

In 1980 the Taylor Baptist Association began to put into action a long standing desire to see a Baptist ministry of some type in the area of the beaches.

First Baptist Church of Perry agreed to become the “Mother Church” of such a work, and upon October 2nd 1980, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lindsey (Billie) donated land at the beaches for a Mission location.

On May 31, 1981, a ground breaking ceremony was held at the new site, with Rev. E. L. Mixon, pastor of First Baptist, as speaker. Soon the ground clearing was under way and the foundation poured. Durig the construction period the first V.B.S. was held under a tent (August 3-7, 1981)

The next Easter a sunrise service was held, (April 11, 1982), conducted by Rev. Mixon. Two months later, (June 30,) First Baptist Church called Rev. Earl Jennings as the first mission pastor of the newly named “BLUE CREEK BAPTIST CHAPEL”

The first regular Sunday worship services were held in the new building beginning August 8, 1982, with sixjoining the new work. Sunday school began a month later, and by the end of that church year the Mission’s membership was 10 with 24 enrolling in Sunday School.

On May 30, 1983, Rev. Jennings resigned for health reasons. On June 22, 1983, Rev. John Dorman was called by First Baptist, as mission pastor.

Two years later; on “Home coming day” (August 11, 1985) Blue Creek Baptist Church constituted as a free standing body with 47 charter members, called Rev. Dorman as it’s first pastor, and petitioned the Taylor Baptist Association for membership.

Through the sacrificial giving of funds and labor of the members of First Baptist Church and the gifts and tireless efforts of many men, women, boys and girls from all over this Association, Blue Creek was able to begin in love and harmony.

It continues to grow, “in grace and in stature” as a living testament to the power of the spirit of cooperation. The present membership is 108 with 129 enrolled in Sunday School. The church has continued to build and is now preparing to expand the sanctuary. All the present facilities are debt free. The pastor and members of BLUE CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH earnestly solicit the continued prayer support of TAYLOR BAPTIST.

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