Simonstown & Fish Hoek

Simonstown - Jewel of the South

These routes are taken from the descriptions by Tut Trainor in 1980. His original handwritten notes give an interesting account of the routes and activities around Simonstown at that time. Tut was awarded the Mountain Club Gold Badge in 1985 for his outstanding contribution to conservation and mountaineering. His obiturary published in Veld & Flora of June 1985 makes interesting and moving reading - he was a remarkable man. (With thanks to his son Martyn 'Spook' Trainor for making these available.)

All Trails also has some of these routes in addition to an number of additional routes around Red Hill, Scarborough, Grootkop, Platberg and Misty Cliffs.

Note: All these routes that we have walked and explored in the mountains around Simonstown have been inspired by Tut's pioneering work. The scanned copy of his original notes are attached, together with a copy transcribed by Arthur Clarke - thanks Arthur!