Kasteelspoort path (KP)

Location: Park at the top of Theresa Avenue in Rontree Estate, Camps Bay, where there is a SAN Parks sign at the boom across the fire fighting access road. Alternatively park at Kloof Nek and hike the Pipe Track (45 mins.) until reaching the KP signpost. OSM map

Overview: The most popular and easiest path up the 12 Apostles above Camps Bay. When the Woodhead and Hely-Hutchison Dams on the back table were being built, there were 2 other routes up Kasteelspoort, namely the Ravine following the river course, and the nowadays objectionably named "Kaffir Path" up the right hand side of the ravine. Both are totally bushed up and no longer used.

Route Description:

A long diagonally ascending path, starting off the Pipe Track above Rontree estate, and crossing the Valken ravine streambed, then rounding the corner of Kasteels buttress and continuing above the 'Band Platform'. High up the KP stream is crossed on a wooden bridge, then another signpost marks the way to the Dams, Valley of Red Gods, or the Apostles path to Grootkop.

Start of the KP path off the Pipe Track

Cross but DO NOT go up the Valken ravine stream like these climbers

The Band platform rest spot. This used to be the half way station for the old Cableway for constructing the dams.

View down Kasteelspoort, showing the path ascending the side of Kasteels buttress.