The Judas Goat Company

The Judas Goast Company Marching Song

Copyright 2005 by Jeff Suzuki

Yaakov Hamzrachi (whose work inspired for the Newbie song,which essentially began my SCA filking career) had the idea of forming a fighting company. Having no illusions to his skill, he called it the “Judas Goat Company”, with the idea that it would include the worst fighters in the Society (we sometimes called ourselves the Judas Goat speed bump). Wang Kuei, Yaakov, and I were charter members and, of course, we had to have a marching's based on the well known joke whose punchline is “It's a trap! There's two of them!” In truth, we fought as a unit at a demo and were in fact surrounded and annihilated by two fighters...

The tune is ostensibly Belle Qui. Unfortunately at the time I wrote the music (which can be sung, rather appropriately, as a dirge...), I didn't know the words to the original; as a result, it doesn't quite scan to the music. I'm working on another Belle Qui filk, which will scan to the music...

We are the warriors of the Judas Goat Comp'ny. We galliard to war to die as infantry. "Advance!" our Captain says, "There's only one I see! He's standing over there, learning up against that tree!" Confidently we go forth, what can one warrior do? But into a trap we walk, for there's not one but two! But it's too late to run, they've started their advance. Quickly they encircle us, we haven't got a chance! Rapidly they rain down blows, and we're hurt one and all, In the blinking of an eye, nine or ten of us fall. You'd think they couldn't do the things that they could do, Having just two legs, and one arm 'twixt the two. Dead and dying on the field, we can't believe our fate. Two of them to ten of us, a massacre---but wait! One fighter rubs his head, as he sinks down on one knee. Killing us has worn him out, we claim a victory!

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