Are You Patrons of the Megacorps?

Are You Patrons of the Megacorps?

Copyright 2005 by Jeff Suzuki

This is another Scarborough Fair filk. I went back and forth with the first line and title: a close contender was “Are you patrons of the megastores?” But I changed it because not everything in the song is a store per se. This is contains a bit more social commentary than my other filks, so be warned (my working alternate title was The Globalization Blues). Note that economists distinguish between cost and price, which the song alludes to.

By the way, I pronounce megacorps as megacore. However, megacorpse also works in the song (and may be more appropriate to the way people feel about these giant corporations). In the fourth stanza, “run from LA” can be replaced with “run far away” if you happen to be an Angeleno. If you want to be really clever, alternate “Target, Walmart, Starbucks and Lowes” with some other set of companies.

Are you patrons of the megacorps? Target, Walmart, Starbucks and Lowes. Remember this as you pay less for more. Cost is more than the price tag shows. Tell them to find me a thriving main street. Target, Walmart, Starbucks and Lowes. With national chains local stores can't compete. Cost is more than the price tag shows. Tell them to find me something that's made here. Target, Walmart, Starbucks and Lowes. Instead of imported from Spain or Kashmir. Cost is more than the price tag shows. Tell them to find me a local cafe. Target, Walmart, Starbucks and Lowes. Instead of a franchise that's run from LA. Cost is more than the price tag shows. Cheap shoes from Thailand, cheap bowls from Zaire. Target, Walmart, Starbucks and Lowes. But cheap drugs from Canada you can't acquire. Cost is more than the price tag shows. My savings and loan is bought out quarterly. Target, Walmart, Starbucks and Lowes. The tellers are gone, now I've ATM fees. Cost is more than the price tag shows. Buyouts and mergers may work in the short term. Target, Walmart, Starbucks and Lowes. But what happens when there are no local firms? Cost is more than the price tag shows.

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