Ultimate Frisbee

Learning Objectives

At the end of the module, Woodlanders will be able to play a game of 5v5 territorial game using a flying disc, with appropriate rules. Refer to the table below for a detailed breakdown of the games-related concepts, learning outcomes and skills that will be covered during ultimate frisbee.

Credits: MOE PE Syllabus 2014

Assessment Rubrics

Refer to the assessment rubrics below to see how you will be assessed at the end of the module.


Click the following links and videos below to learn more about ultimate frisbee.


Basic Throw and Catch

Understanding the Catch

Backhand Throw

Forehand Throw

Hammer Throw

Throwing Far - Backhand

Throwing Far - Forehand

Advance Throws 

Tactics & Strategies


Defence - Force

Offence - Vertical Stack 

Offence - Horizontal Stack

Offence - Cutting into Space