Machine Exercises (Abs)

Cable Machine

Abdominal Bench

Ab Coaster

Cable Machine Exercises

  1. Cable crunch

How to do a proper cable crunch

  1. Wood chopper

How to do a wood chopper

  1. Single leg raise crunch

  2. Single leg crunches

  3. Cable Crunch

  4. Knee to chest crunches

  5. High-cable woodchoppers

  6. Low-cable woodchoppers

  7. Cable twist

  8. Cable toe touches

  9. Cable side bends

  10. Cable mountain climbers

How these exercises are being performed

Cable crunch

Knee to chest crunches

Cable toe touches

Wood chopper

High-cable woodchoppers

Cable side bends

Single leg crunches

Low-cable woodchoppers

Cable mountain climbers

Single leg raise crunch

Cable twist

Abdominal Bench Exercises

  1. Reverse crunches

How to do reverse crunches on this machine (exercise starts from 2:00 minute and ends at 4:43 minute of the video)

  1. Bench knee-ins

  2. Decline sit-ups

  3. Elevated reverse crunch

  4. Decline twist crunch

  5. Elevated butterfly kicks

  6. Decline oblique crunch

  7. Bench circle crunch

  8. Unsupported bench raise

  9. bench oblique crunch

How to do these exercises (exercise ends at 5:59 minute of the video)

Reverse crunches

Decline twist crunch

Bench knee-ins

Elevated butterfly kicks

Elevated reverse crunch

Decline oblique crunch

Decline sit-ups

Bench circle crunch

Ab Coaster Exercises

Ab coaster