Bristle Bot

This is a Fun Soldering Project

How To Build A Bristlebot

Bristle Bot Resources Links

We are Going To Use A On/Off Switch & Solder The Wires

For our Bristle Bot, we are going to solder the connections, and use a Battery holder and a Slide switch.

Technology, Computers, Applications, Software Material List:  

Electronics Material List:  These are the main parts of this workshop materials: (one for each student)

Building Material List:  This is just a sample, really you can have any random materials: Stuff you might find here


Resources, Lessons, Labs:

What Students Will Know & Be Able To Do:

Prior Knowledge: What Students Should Know

Circuit Diagram - With and Without LED


After you have a working circuit, where the battery holder is soldered on to the slide switch and then to the motor... Test it out with a battery.  If that is working, then move on to the "Bling" part of the Bristle Bot project.


Next you will attach your Circuit to the Toothbrush head.


Build Step 1 - Here's what you'll need to build your own Bristle Bot!

Electronics Material List:  These are the main parts of this workshop materials: (one for each student)

Building Material List:  This is just a sample, really you can have any random materials: Stuff you might find here


Build Step 2 - Cut Off Head Of Toothbrush:

Build Step 3 - Test The Battery & Motor

Build Step 4 - Gather The Parts:

Build Step 5 - Solder The Short Wire to the Switch:

Build Step 6 - Solder The Short Wire to the Battery Holder:

Build Step 7 - Solder The "Red" Motor Wire to the Switch:

Build Step 8 - Solder The "Black" Wire to the Battery Holder:

Build Step 9 - Add a Button Battery and Test Your Circuit:

Debug Steps if it is not:

Build Step 10 - Connect Battery Holder & Motor To The Toothbrush Head:

Build Step 11 - Add Some Pipe Cleaners As Support:

Build Step 12 - Add Some "Bling":


Random Sumo?  Random Maze?