Unit n-2 - JavaScript, CSS  & Web Dev

Unit Overview, Introduction, Outline

 Why another JavaScript, CSS & Web Dev Site?  -  The main reason for another site like this, is that you can never find just the right site, with just the right examples... or structured just the way you want it.  Some are too hot and some are too cold... for me, I'm hoping this site is just right. :-)   I'm teaching  Mechatronics Engineering High School students, and I want to run my class a certain way, with lessons that are a specific length and complexity... While there are some AWESOME programming sites out there, I wanted a site I could point my students to, that was organized around my Mechatronics  Engineering Units that interacted with Web pages...  Believe me, I'm going to beg, borrow and "steal" any good code and point to sites that help me teach my students JavaScript and Web Site interaction and design.   So, sorry... not sorry,  for another site for learning JavaScript and Web design.  

For now This site will mostly be for me, as I learn JavaScript, CSS & Web Dev... Maybe some PHP... With the goal of using what I learn to make my www.steamclown.org website better...

Learning Objective:

This JavaScript, CSS and Web Development Unit is intended to introduce students not just the syntax of coding, but to the concept of Design Thinking when playing with a Web sites or planning and writing a JavaScript, CSS, PHP or other Web development Programs. 


Getting Started

There are lots of resources for Web development, so much of what I find will come from resources I have found on the web... big thanks to all the work that went into the sites I will reference. As a Teacher, I KNOW how much time goes into this stuff... and tanks for making it open source.

JavaScript Resource links

There are lots of good JavaScript site... Here are a few.  If you find a better one, please let me know.

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