Chat GPT AI Project

Finding The Education Standard Matching A  Lesson Description

Finding the Education Standard matching a  paragraph for a Lesson Plan descriptions, Lab descriptions, Student Outcome descriptions

This is a Resource Page, for my OpenAI ChatGPT Education Standards AI project. That means it's a Mish-Mash of stuff.  I'm a huge supporter of Open Source and Creative Commons resources.  This is another way of saying Free, Equitable and Accessible resources...  📽️ 🎧 📰 📖 📝🛠️ 🖼️ 

  • Unit: Artificial Intelligence
    • Module: Artificial Intelligence - ChatGPT
  • This is a LEARNING Activity : Lesson / Lab

Overview, Introduction & Prerequisites:

With the disruptive introduction of OpenAI ChatGPT, I thought I would try something helpful for teachers.

If I'm like most teachers, while developing a new lesson, module, lab, I should start with the education standards I'm trying to teach. Right? But do I? No.  I typically have a great idea, and jump right in to developing the content… and the standard is not thought about until I'm done with a lesson plan.

For me, attaching the standard step to a lesson is the last thing I want to think about!!!

Am I unique? I hope not, 'cause then that just means I'm a "bad" teacher.

Am I unique? I hope not, 'cause then that just means I'm a "bad" teacher.

I put all my energy into content development and it's almost an afterthought to track down the standards, and there are a lot of them.  I'm mostly focused on STEAM, and Engineering, so the NGSS are the ones I look to first, but I also teach CTE, so the Engineering & Architecture standards are also needed.  It also does not hurt to put in CC and other standards. 

Sponsor Shout Out

I would like to thank <Your Company or Organization Here> for their generous support of my classroom and curriculum development.  <Your Company or Organization Here> has <Your value proposition, call to action, & related content and message> 

If you want to help this project along, like with some $$ to pay for more time on the ChatGPT, and organizing the data and working this project, please connect with me 

If multiple folks want to support this project, You will all get listed here if you want.

Submission Instructions:

SUBMIT Your Lesson Descriptions and Standards Form

Here's My Idea To Use AI Technology For Good:

I want to see if I can train an AI to do some of the work of picking Educational Standards that match a description of a Lesson, Module, Lab, Student outcomes paragraph.

I actually have been thinking about this project for about 2 years, and never got around to trying it. Then OpenAI released ChatGPT, and I thought "let's do it!!!"

To do this right, we need a database of Lesson, Module, Lab, Student outcomes description paragraphs AND the correct standards that should/could be attached.  Lot's of them… Like 10,000

Send me your current Lesson Plan descriptions, Lab descriptions, Student Outcome descriptions, paragraphs AND the standards you have already identified attached. 

Look at your current Lesson Plan descriptions, Lab descriptions, Student Outcome descriptions, paragraphs (that also have standard attached) 

Fill out this short Google form
(should be a 1-2  min, 2-3 multiple choise and 2  cut and pastes)

Even if you don't have all your current Lesson Plan descriptions, Lab descriptions, Student Outcome descriptions attached to a standard, I could still use it as a test case.

Tuning Tips and My Recommendations

This is a work in progress.  I'll post as I have recommendations.

Chat GPT Education Standards Results:


What I'm Going To Do - This can all be anonymous and you will not have to submit any information linking back to you.  I'll give you an opportunity to follow my progress, and will share everything. 

I'm going to build a database of sample paragraphs linked to standards.  I'll scrub it of any specific school or identifying information

Link to latest Lesson Description & Standards Data Base

This the latest database of the current submissions

OpenAI - ChatGPT Results

This the latest database of the results from ChatGPT

Next Steps - Browser Based API/GUI

If this is successful, I'll create an APU/Browser based GUI that we can use to submit future Lesson Plan descriptions, Lab descriptions, Student Outcome descriptions, and have an AI spit out accurate actionable Standards.  

Browser Interface to submit your own Lesson paragraphs for your own results

Chat GPT Multiple Choice Question Generation:


What I'm Going To Do - Try to generate a flow where you can use chatGPT to generate a set of quiz questions, and add them to a names Canvas Quiz bank.

Step 1

Select the text of an article

Code for Canvas:

# Import the Canvas API library

from canvasapi import Canvas

# Set API URL and API key

API_URL = ""

API_KEY = "your_api_key"

# Initialize a new Canvas object

canvas = Canvas(API_URL, API_KEY)

# Set the quiz id

quiz_id = 12345

# Create multiple choice questions

question1 = {

    "question_name": "Who conceptualized Python in the late 1980s?",

    "question_text": "Who conceptualized Python in the late 1980s?",

    "question_type": "multiple_choice_question",

    "answers": [

        {"answer_text": "Guido van Rossum", "weight": 100},

        {"answer_text": "Alice Packer", "weight": 0},

        {"answer_text": "Monty Python", "weight": 0},

        {"answer_text": "The National Research Institute for Scientific Research", "weight": 0}



question2 = {

    "question_name": "What was the original target system for Python?",

    "question_text": "What was the original target system for Python?",

    "question_type": "multiple_choice_question",

    "answers": [

        {"answer_text": "Mobile", "weight": 0},

        {"answer_text": "Time-sharing", "weight": 100},

        {"answer_text": "Systems programming", "weight": 0},

        {"answer_text": "The Internet", "weight": 0}



question3 = {

    "question_name": "What was the name of the initiative launched by Guido van Rossum to make programming more accessible to the masses?",

    "question_text": "What was the name of the initiative launched by Guido van Rossum to make programming more accessible to the masses?",

    "question_type": "multiple_choice_question",

    "answers": [

        {"answer_text": "Python for Everyone", "weight": 0},

        {"answer_text": "Computer Programming for Everyone", "weight": 100},

        {"answer_text": "Easy Programming for All", "weight": 0},

        {"answer_text": "The Python Initiative", "weight": 0}



# Add questions to quiz

quiz = canvas.get_quiz(quiz_id)




Browser Interface to submit your own Lesson paragraphs for your own results

Reference, Attribution & Resources:

License - "Be A Hero"... Distribute Your Content As Open Source... That Is What I'm Doing...

The content on this site may have been pulled from other open source sites, but typically the interpretation and presentation is primarily the Intellectual Property of Jim Burnham, - at and the Student curriculum can be found under the specific Mechatronics Engineering Units section of this web site.
If you do use my material, and make changes, I would appreciate getting a copy... because if you are making changes, it means that you think there is a better way to teach this… and I would really appreciate understanding that. Please send me feedback on my Questions or Feedback form. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or comment.
You also should keep and include my STEAM Clown Logo and Copyright in any derivative works you create. I would appreciate if you would include one of these images found on my Steam Clown License page and link it to

Teachers - Unit, Module and Lesson Plans

If you are a teacher and want to connect and teach this Lesson or Module, discuss how I teach it, give me feedback, please contact me at 

To access my other Lesson Plans and the Teacher collaboration area, you will have needed to connect with me so I can Share the content with you.  Please go to  the Teachers & Partner Page, check out my Licensing and fill out my Collaboration and Curriculum Request Form.  I'll review and then grant you access to the requested areas and lesson plans if they exist.

If you have questions or feedback on how I can make a presentation, lesson, lab better please give use my Feedback Form.

Resource Attribution:
Sites Referenced or Summarized:


Random Stuff To Sort