
Introduction To "Fire Breathing Robots..."

This is an Introduction to my SVCTE Mechatronics Engineering Class & Resource Page, and specifically to some workshops and PD units that will help you learn about my class.  As a "Student", have fun learning and trying out a new skill.  As a "Teacher", be able to replicate this in your class room.

This also means that this page is a Mish-Mash of Units, Modules, Lessons and Labs from my class.  This pages will answer some of the following questions:

Let's get started... Its going to be a fun, wild ride...

  • Unit: Professional Development
    • Module: Workshops - Trying Something New 
  • This is a LEARNING : Lesson / Lab

Sid Bar for Teachers: This Unit, These Modules, Lessons and Labs are a sneak peek int my class and the curriculum I teach. This page is organized into the Workshops I have taught.  Many of the lessons might be specific to my class, but you could probably adjust them for your class.  I'll try to make them a neutral as I can, so they can be used in any Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, or any other STEAM / Engineering / Technology class.  Let me know how I can make that better. I'll try to keep this unit current and relevant.  Please let me know if any resource links are broken or not accessible.  Use this email link to let me know what is broken @ 

Overview and Introduction:

Author: Jim Burnham - License: Distributed as Open Source. 

Learning Objective:

Module Scope:
  • Introduction to lots of Engineering topics
  • Description of best practices for learning to code, do electronics and build Fire Breathing Robots
  • Introduction to Professional, Career  Skills, and Tips and Tricks to be a better future technical professional.
Learning Targets:
  • Get you started on your journey as a Life Long Learner
  • Understand were to find resources to grow your skill as an Engineering professional
Prior Knowledge:
  • Basic understanding of how to a computer 
  • Good skills finding answers and resources on the internet
  • You be you. Come as you are, Start where you are at… 
Resources & Materials Needed:
  • PC, Laptop or Other device to access the Engineering applications
  • Each Unit, Workshop, Lesson or Lab will have specific items needed to complete the tasks


Caution & Safety  Considerations:

Primer:  "Aaron, I can imagine no way in which this thing could be considered anywhere remotely close to safe. All I know is I spent six hours in there and I'm still alive... You still want to do it?"

Workshop Topics, Lessons & Labs

Integrate Arduino's, Sensors & Coding into any class (Have Fun Building Rube Goldberg Kinetic Machines & Teaching lot's of other sensor/data based Science)

This Workshop Series "Limitless: CS in any Classroom" was hosted by the Santa Clara County Office of Education, Silicon Valley Education Foundation, Tech Interactive, and the Krause Center for Innovation 

Connect with me.  If you have questions, I'm happy to do a video call. I'm building a canvas class too, let me know if that's interesting to you. connect with me: 

June 2022

California Educators Together

June 25, 2021

This module, while focused on your LinkedIn profile, is more about understanding:

June 2021 - I do teach some professional development Networking Modules as part of my Mechatronics Engineering class. This is a condensed version of the my LinkedIn  "First Impressions & Networking"... I'm actually not too Goofy.

We tend to evaluate each other quickly.  It may be part of our "lizard" brain, where as we encounter something or someone new, we need to evaluate them as a friend or foe rather fast. 

These first impressions are influenced by a number of factors... We judge and are judged by our facial features, body type, how attractive or intelligent we are perceived to be... even our voice, and how we sound is in that first impression calculation. 

We tend to have a hard time overcoming our initial perceptions and impressions.  Even when we are presented with new data and new information, it's hard to change that sticky first impression.

We get one chance, so let's figure out how to do it right. This workshop/Lesson focuses on:

Mechatronics Engineering Introduction - <topic>

This Lesson is coming soon - click here to be notified when it's available - Professional Development Newsletter

Last section


License - "Be A Hero"... Distribute Your Content As Open Source... That Is What I'm Doing...

The content on this site may have been pulled from other open source sites, but typically the interpretation and presentation is primarily the Intellectual Property of Jim Burnham, - at and the Student curriculum can be found under the specific Mechatronics Engineering Units section of this web site.
If you do use my material, and make changes, I would appreciate getting a copy... because if you are making changes, it means that you think there is a better way to teach this… and I would really appreciate understanding that. Please send me feedback on my Questions or Feedback form. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or comment.
You also should keep and include my STEAM Clown Logo and Copyright in any derivative works you create. I would appreciate if you would include one of these images found on my Steam Clown License page and link it to

Reference & Resources:

Teachers - Unit, Module and Lesson Plans

If you are a teacher and want to connect and teach this LinkedIn module, discuss how I teach it, give me feedback, please contact me at 

To access this Lesson Plan and the Teacher collaboration area, you will have needed to connect with me so I can Share the content with you.  Please go to  the Teachers & Partner Page, check out my Licensing and fill out my Collaboration and Curriculum Request Form.  I'll review and then grant you access to the requested areas and lesson plans if they exist.

If you have questions or feedback on how I can make a presentation, lesson, lab better please give use my Feedback Form.

Random Stuff To Sort