Arduino Microcontroller & C++

Unit Overview, Introduction, Outline

This Unit is all about learning to use the Arduino Micro-controller and Learning to program it with C and C++.  While the goal is to learn C++, the main goal of this Unit is to learn to programmatically access sensors and other input devices, act on them with a control program, and then manipulate outputs to actually control the real world.  I teach C++ before I teach Python, not because I think it's a better language, but rather because I want to use the Arduino platform first.

While  We say we teach C++, for all practical purposes we are learning C, because we really are not going to get into the Object Oriented aspects of C++

This is my best attempt to create a Mechatronics Engineering Arduino Resource page.  Let me know how to make this better, what I may  be missing, and what I can add.  Contact me at

Learning Objective:

This Arduino & C++  Unit is intended to introduce students not just the syntax of coding, but to the concept of Design Thinking when playing with an Arduino or planning and writing a C or C++ Program. 


Getting Started

Online C++ Coding Interpreters

While I teach my C++ coding using the Arduino as the main platform, sometimes you want to just try some code on line. 

C++ Tutorial 

Online Class you can sign up for:

Online Books and Guides

Arduino & C++ Lessons, Lectures, Labs

TINKERCAD  - Make learning fun with 3D design, Circuits, and Codeblocks.  TinkerCAD not only lets you learn 3D design, simulate electronic circuits and learn to code.  You can build a circuit that includes an Arduino, and you can run simulated code.  You don't need to have the physical hardware.  You can simulate real world hardware on your computer.  Re-create ann Arduino, Breadboard & LED lab on your computer.  Sign up and play

for more, please see my Mechatronics Engineering Blog Page for now... I'm going to update and move this content summer of 2019

Teachers - Unit, Module and Lesson Plans