Ubuntu - Linux Backup, Debugging & Config File


Ubuntu - Setting Up An Original Image

I always go to the Ubuntu site found at https://ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads#bittorrents  and then select the torrent

This is what I do:

Backing Up your Files

You will , as you use your Raspberry Pi, create files that you will want to backup.  You may have a myPython directory, where you have all your <program>.py files.  It would be sad if you lost these because your Raspberry Pi SD card got corrupted and you had to re-image your OS.  Just like you would backup your PC, Laptop or Phone, you should backup your Raspberry Pi

Backing up your config.txt file:

For an overview of the config.txt see the Raspberry Pi config.txt documentation.  Also check out https://elinux.org/R-Pi_configuration_file 

Backing up your config.txt file:

Make Sure Your Ubuntu new clean Image is Updated to a full class image

You want to make sure your Ubuntu install is up to date and has the latest OS packages, tools and software.  Before installing a software package, you need to first update the Ubuntu image  to the current list of packages that are available to apt-get with apt-get update 

Using update and upgrade regularly will keep your Raspberry Pi's OS image up to date. It is essentially the same as downloading the most recent image of Raspbian available. 

UbuntuClassImageUpdate.sh File

Using jim.The.STEAM.Clown's UbuntuClassImageUpdate.sh file found on Github.  I will be updating this as I find stuff I want  on all my Ubuntu images

In a Linux  Command dialog,  run the following commands.  This will copy the latest version of my "restore a Class Image after an Ubuntu re-inaging

sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jimTheSTEAMClown/Linux/master/UbuntuClassImageUpdate.sh

sudo chmod 755 UbuntuClassImageUpdate.sh

sudo cat UbuntuClassImageUpdate.sh

sudo bash UbuntuClassImageUpdate.sh

Other Shell Scripts

Recovering from a crash? May not be possible, but here are some Ideas

Check out the following links - 

Chromium settings

These are settings I like to have for Chromium: