Mechatronics Engineering Class Jobs

These are 5 min Jobs... but the expectations is that you do them well.  I'll be watching and checking... and give you weekly points

Jobs That Are Done Everyday

These are jobs that students will do every day.  Each student will be responsible for their immediate classroom desk work area. Additionally, there are classroom maintenance and cleanup jobs that each student will be assigned.  Typically I assign these on the daily attendance sign in sheet.  They could be the same for a few days, or they could be randomly.

Each class will have a 10 min end of class cleanup time. (later as they get good at doing these jobs, this could drop to 5 min) 

Individual Daily Jobs and Clean-up Expectations - Students will all do these task each day:

How This Task Is Graded and Evaluated:

At the end of each class, you will check in with me.  

The after you have left the class, I'll take the Job sign off sheet and take a classroom walk, and access how well the jobs were completed.  I'll mark if the job is "complete", "partly", or "not done", and assign points.  My current plan is that students have 20 daily "clean-Up" point (for 100 weekly point).  If they have complete the job correctly, they keep all their points.  If they need correction (which I follow up with then the next day), they will have -2 to -5 points, If they have a "Not Done" this will be an automatic -10, and if this is a pattern, then it can be a -20 points for that day.  Every few days, I will privately talk to students that need correction and or additional training on how to do the job.  I will also train every one on each job, and continue to provide group feedback at the start of the cleanup time at the end of every class.

Custom Jobs Will Be Assigned On The Attendance Sign In Sheet Each Day:

If you have been assigned a Custom Job, check in with me and tell me which job you have selected from below.  

Regular Jobs Will Be Assigned On The Attendance Sign In Sheet Each Day:

Each day, students, as they sign in on the class attendance sign-in sheet, check to see what their daily job assignment is.  If they don't know how to complete this job, they should check with the Floor Boss, and if the Floor Boss has questions, they ask me, the teacher.

Old Custom Jobs:

If you have been assigned a Custom Job, check in with me and tell me which job you have selected from below.