Cisco Networking Academy Classes
Self-Learning Resources
Life-Long Learning - It is always good to expand your Skills
This is a Resource Page, where you can sign up for a Cisco Networking Academy Self-Learning class. Browse the list below, and select the classes you would like to take in the google form. We respect your privacy, and will only use your contact information to set up your class and a one-time request for you to join a technology newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time. I'm a Cisco instructor for a few sites. SVCTE, SVeF, and Others. If you are a student or former student at any of these sites, I can provide you access to many self-learning classes.
If you are not, then you can still contact me, and we can see if there is a way to provide you access.
I'm a huge supporter of Free, Open Source, and Creative Commons resources. This is another way of saying Free, Equitable and Accessible learning resources... 📽️ 🎧 📰 📖 📝🛠️
- Unit: Career Readiness
- Module: Cisco Networking Academy - Self-Learing Classes
- This is a LEARNING Activity : Lesson / Lab
- Last Revised: March 5, 2022 - Authored: March 5, 2022
- Original Author: Jim Burnham -
- Content License: Some Copyright & Distributed as Open Source. See Rights & Usage
Overview, Introduction & Prerequisites:
Life-Long Learning - It is always good to expand your connections, networks and join organizations that can help you learn. This Resource Page is provided to give you access to Cisco Networking Academy classes, links to technology news sites, and other connections that will help you develop professionally & keep a pulse of the current events in the world of Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology.
Use a personal email when you register... Why, because you want to have control of these sites long after you are out of this class.
Sid Bar for Teachers: This Module or lesson is how I teach in my class. Many of the lessons might be specific to my class, but you could probably adjust them for your class. I'll try to make them a neutral as I can, so they can be used in any Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, or any other Engineering / Technology class. Let me know how I can make that better. I'll try to keep this unit current and relevant. Please let me know if any resource links are broken or not accessible. Use this email link to let me know what is broken @
No explicit prerequisite course work or coding knowledge is required, but students are expected to have a good understanding of basic computer principles.
Caution & Safety Considerations:
Primer: "Aaron, I can imagine no way in which this thing could be considered anywhere remotely close to safe. All I know is I spent six hours in there and I'm still alive... You still want to do it?"
As with any activity, please make sure you are using appropriate safety equipment. If you are coding, writing, reading, or working a lab, make sure you stand up and stretch every hour or so, Please consider any safety issues connecting to a Raspberry Pi, Arduino, computers and other electronic equipment.
Class Topics - Learning for Technology:
For more details check out the Cisco Networking Class Catalog Overview. In the form below, you can select many of these classes.
Humans and even other intelligent animals innately understand the concept of Whole Numbers. We can clearly understand the concept of "How Many" when we look at these two piles of Jelly Beans.
We may not immediately know how many beans are in the big pile, but we absolutely know that there are way more than 5.
And to find out we can easily start at 1 and then count each... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14... 93. That's what I think... I think there are 93.
What Do You Already Know? Take This Pre-Quiz To Find Out:
Take the Pre-Quiz to get a better self assessment. Sometimes we feel like we already know a topic, and maybe we can just do a quick review. Other times we find we need to go a little deeper. By taking a quick self assessment, you can measure how much effort you need to put into this section.
Whole Number Pre-Quiz
If you scored 79% or less, you should probably spend a 20-30 min reviewing this section. Even if you scored 100%, it can't hurt to spend 10-15 min.
Getting Started:
Chapters - Lessons - Lectures - Labs:
Mechatronics Engineering Introduction - <topic>
This Lesson is coming soon - click here to be notified when it's available - Professional Development Newsletter
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📖 Lesson Tutorial
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📽️ Video / 🎧 Podcast
Mechatronics - <topic> - 📰 Slide Presentation (Coming Soon)
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #1 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #2 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mechatronics - <topic> - LAB #3 - 🛠️ LAB Activity
Mathematics for Technology - Sites You Should Register, Get An Account or Sign-up for:
Khan Academy - Pre Algebra
Learn pre-algebra for free—all of the basic arithmetic and geometry skills needed for algebra. Full curriculum of exercises and videos.
Khan Academy - Pre Algebra
Learn pre-algebra for free—all of the basic arithmetic and geometry skills needed for algebra. Full curriculum of exercises and videos.
Last section
Reference, Attribution & Resources:
License - "Be A Hero"... Distribute Your Content As Open Source... That Is What I'm Doing...
If you do use my material, and make changes, I would appreciate getting a copy... because if you are making changes, it means that you think there is a better way to teach this… and I would really appreciate understanding that. Please send me feedback on my Questions or Feedback form. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or comment.
You also should keep and include my STEAM Clown Logo and Copyright in any derivative works you create. I would appreciate if you would include one of these images found on my Steam Clown License page and link it to
Teachers - Unit, Module and Lesson Plans
If you are a teacher and want to connect and teach this Lesson or Module, discuss how I teach it, give me feedback, please contact me at
To access this Lesson Plan and the Teacher collaboration area, you will have needed to connect with me so I can Share the content with you. Please go to the Teachers & Partner Page, check out my Licensing and fill out my Collaboration and Curriculum Request Form. I'll review and then grant you access to the requested areas and lesson plans if they exist.
If you have questions or feedback on how I can make a presentation, lesson, lab better please give use my Feedback Form.
Standards Alignments & Objectives:
I’ll work on getting these in, but it’s the last thing I want to work on :-) When I have them updated, I’ll move to the top of the Lesson Plan.
NGSS: <list standard numbers>
California CTE Standards: <list standard numbers>
Related Instructional Objectives (SWBAT): <list standard numbers>
CCSS: nnn, RSIT: nnn, RLST: nnn, WS: nnn, WHSST: nnn, A-CED: nnn, ETS: nnn <list standard numbers>
Main Standard:
Priority standards:
National Standards:
Resource Attribution:
Sites Referenced or Summarized:
Sites Referenced or Summarized:
Reference Text Book - Basic College Mathematics with Early Integers 4th edition - Elayn Martin-Gay - University of New Orleans - Pearson
Reference Sites -