This site is for all my Random Stuff that will help my Students or make me a better Teacher...
These sites are for teaching you how to be a better Vlogger and video content creator. I'm hoping to become a better user of Video content that I have created for my Edication brand STEAM Clown
Geeks Life - https://geekslife.com/
Video Influencers - https://videoinfluencers.net/
What's a Video Influencer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=CJjs9MYXbyM
10 common mistakes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNKQOi-k50g
Collaboration with Taipei
Collaboration Google Site: SVCTE - Jhangshu International Google Site
Blogger Site: SVCTE - Jhangshu International Blog
Google Classrom: SVCTE - Jhangshu International Classroom